risicare GmbH

Risicare is primarily specialized in technology assessment as well as in interdisciplinary research and consulting on the risks of technical systems. Key activities involve societal aspects in risk analysis, risk assessment and risk communication. In the past risicare executed several technology assessment reports and surveys for the Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag and the Swiss Centre for Technology Assessment TA-SWISS. risicare was founded in 2007 and is located in Zurich. Founder of risicare is Anne Eckhardt, who also chairs the Board of the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate ENSI.
risicare cooperates with a network of enterprises and experienced experts in various fields. In case of ENTRIA risicare is supported by J. Kreusch and W. Neumann both working for intac, Hannover as well as by Klaus Peter Rippe from ethik im diskurs, Zurich. J. Kreusch and W. Neumann established as experts in the field of nuclear waste over many years. J. Kreusch is member of the German Nuclear Waste Management Commission. Klaus Peter Rippe is professor at the Karlsruhe University of Education and director of ethic im diskurs.
risicare heads the transversal project Interdisciplinary Risk Research and conducts the work package Interdisciplinary Risk Research.
Work Package (WP) of the risicare GmbH in the ENTRIA project
Transversal Project 4 (Interdisciplinary Risk Research):