Freie Universität Berlin - Environmental Policy Research Centre

Aim of the FFU-project is primarily the political and social analysis of the development of a strategy for a nuclear waste storage solution in Germany under participation of relevant stakeholders. Next to the identification of the key actors and their interests, responsibilities, value system, views and expectations, paths for a constructive dialogue and problem solving approaches will be investigated and discussed. A focal point will be the analysis of acceptance and conflicts and possible regulation mechanisms.
Lessons for policy will be derived from a comparative Multi Level Governance analysis of nuclear waste storage concepts with special emphasis on policy instruments (e.g. regulation of retrievability, safety criteria, monitoring systems, compensation solutions) and institutions. The determinants for failure and success of the analysed instruments will be compared and assessed at international level. Experiences with “best practice“ character will be considered for the formulating of policy recommendations.
Further information
Work Packages (WP) of the FFU within the ENTRIA Project
Transversal Project 2 (Technology and Governance):
Staff Members of the FFU within the ENTRIA Project
- Prof. Dr. Miranda Schreurs
- PD Dr. Achim Brunnengräber
- Dr. Maria Rosaria Di Nucci
- M.A. Daniel Häfner
- Dipl.-Ing. Ana María Isidoro Losada
- PD Dr. Lutz Mez