Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - Institute for Nuclear Waste Disposal (INE)

The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) was founded in 2009 by the merger of the Karlsruhe Research Centre (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, FZK) and the University of Karlsruhe (TH). KIT is one of the biggest research and education institutions in Europe.

The research and education activities of the Institute for Nuclear Waste Disposal (INE) focus on natural scientific / technical aspects of final disposal of radioactive residues, immobilization of highly active waste, potential alternative disposal procedures such as the partitioning & transmutation concept (P&T) and individualized radiation protection. On this INE has a number of unique facilities, advanced analytical methods as well as numerical techniques available to elucidate and quantitatively assess the behavior of radionuclides for various disposal options. Within our radiation protection research, we develop computer based methods for  an individualized dose assessment taking into account the properties of the radiation fields and specific operational procedures.

Hereby INE contributes a scientific expertise to ENTRIA which provides a sound fundament for risk based evaluation and comparison of disposal options for radioactive residues. Unlike other research projects, ENTRIA offers the opportunity to set natural scientific / technical studies directly in a socio-scientific / political context. In particular for young scientists ENTRIA provides an interdisciplinary approach to an highly relevant research field which deals with an important aspect of the “Energiewende”, or energy turnaround, that has been adopted by the German federal government.

Work Packages (WP) of the INE within the ENTRIA Project

Staff Members of the INE within the ENTRIA Project

Website of the Institute for Nuclear Waste Disposal at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology