Roman Seidl, Cord Drögemüller, Pius Krütli, Clemens Walther
A citizens workgroup helps researchers reflect on their work,
Saf. Nucl. Waste Disposal, 1, 211–213, 2021
J. Stadler, A. Kogiomtzidis, M. Steppert, M. Schmidt, C. Walther
Advanced Application of Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry (DESI MS): Radionuclide Speciation in Plant Parts,
53. DGMS Jahrestagung 2020 und 27. ICP-MS Anwendertreffen, Münster, Deutschland, 01.03.2020-04.03.2020
Gupta DK, Vukovic A, Inouhe M, Walther C
Accumulation of uranium (U) and its phytotoxic symptoms in Pisum sativum L.,
76th Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Chugoku-Shikoku, Hiroshima University, Saijo, Japan, 11-12 May.
J. Stadler, A. Kogiomtzidis, M. Steppert, M. Schmidt, N. Huittinen, M. Weiss, F. Köhler, T. Stumpf, C. Walther
Direct Speciation of Radionuclides in Plant Parts by TRLFS and DESI MS,
Envira 2019 Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 8.-13.09.2019
J. Stadler, A. Kogiomtzidis, M. Steppert, M. Weiss, F. Köhler, M. Schmidt, N. Huittinen, T. Stumpf, C. Walther
Direct Speciation of Radionuclide Uptake into Plant Parts by DESI MS and TRLFS,
Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Nuklearchemie 2019 (GDCh), Dresden, Deutschland,25.-27.09.2019
Stadler, J., Kogiomtzidis, A., Steppert, M., Weiss, M., Köhler, F.,
Schmidt, M., Huittinen, N., Stumpf, T., Walther, C.
Speciation of Radionuclide Uptake into Plant Parts by DESI MS and
JRNC-RANC 2019, Budapest, Hungary, 5.-10.5.2019
Bosco, H., Weiß, M., Raiwa, M., Wendt, K., Walther, C.
Progress in spatially resolved ultra-trace analysis on plutonium containing particles by rL-SNMS,
Frühjahrstagung DPG Erlangen, 05.03.2018, MS: Fachverband Massenspektrometrie, MS 2: Laser Assisted Mass Spectrometry
Bosco, H., Weiss, M., Raiwa, M., Wendt, K., Walther, C.
Analysis of Plutonium containing Particles by Resonant Laser-SNMS,
Plutonium Futures 2018, San Diego California, USA, 9.-14.9.2018
Gupta, D.K., Schulz W., Steinhauser G., Walther C.
Saprophytic fungi reduces NO generation but increases H_2 O_2 production in winter rye plants,
7th Plant Nitric Oxide International Meeting, Nice, France, 24-26 October
Gupta, D.K., Schulz, W., Steinhauser, G., Walther, C.
Accumulation and retention of radionuclides (Sr/Cs) by saprophytic fungi: Possible effect on uptake of these radionuclides by plants,
RAD 2018, Ohrid, Macedonia, 18-22 June
Gust, A., Mandel, M., Pottgießer, S., Riebe, B., Walther, C.
Speciation and analysis of soil-plant transfer of I-129 and Tc-99 for dose estimation in crop cultivation,
Cores symposium on Radiation in the environment – scientific achievements and challenges for the society, 16. - 17. April 2018
Köhler, F., Hölzer, A., Riebe, B., König, C., Gorny, M., Scheinost, A., Rossberg, A., Walther, C.
Prediction of 129I sorption and mobility in the soil vadose zone using long-term column experiments,
(MARC XI), Kona, HI, USA, 8.-13. April 2018
Mühr-Ebert, E., Schulte, V., Wagner F., Walther, C.
Speciation of Uranium: Validation of a thermodynamic database by modelling techniques and comparative experiments,
Goldschmidt2018 12.-17.08.2018, Boston USA
Mühr-Ebert, E., Schulte, V., Wagner, F., Walther C.
Speciation of Uranium: Validation of a thermodynamic database by modelling techniques and comparative experiments,
18th Radiochemical Conferenz 13.-18.05.2018, Marienbad Tschechien
Raiwa, M., Bosco, H., Weiß, M., Wendt, K., Walther, C.
Spatially resolved analysis of micrometer sized hot particles from the Chernobyl environment by rL-SNMS,
ATAS 2018, Nice, France, 6.-9.11.2018
Raiwa, M., Weiß, M., Bosco, H., Walther, C., Wendt, K.
Analysis of radionuclide containing particles from Chernobyl by resonant Laser-SNMS,
SIMS Europe 2018, Münster, Germany, 16.-18.9.2018
Stadler, J., Steppert, M., Walther, C.
En route towards mass spectrometric imaging on plant parts: First DESI MS measurement,
CORES Symposium on Radiation in the Environment: Scientific Achievements and Challenges for the Society. Helsinki, Finland 16.-17.4.2018
Stadler, J., Steppert, M., Walther, C.
Direct Speciation of Radionuclide Uptake into Plant Parts by Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry,
ATAS 2018, Nice, France, 6.-9.11.2018
Walther, C.
Spatially resolved ultra-trace analysis on plutonium containing particles by rL-SNMS,
Livermore (LLNL) 04.04.2018
Walther, C., Bosco, H., Hamann L., Weiss, M., Franzmann M., Wendt, K.
Quasi-non-destructive Investigations of Actinide Particles Recent Applications of the Secondary Neutral Ionization SIMS,
(MARC XI), Kona, HI, USA, 8.-13. April 2018
Bister, S., Riebe, B., Daraoui, A., Gorny, M., Walther, C.
Eintrag von Radionukliden in norddeutsches Grundwasser am Beispiel eines Trinkwassergewinnungsgebietes,
GDCh Wissenschaftsforum, 10. - 14.09.2017, Berlin
Bosco, H., Franzmann, M., Kron, T., Studer, D., Weiß, M., Walther, C., Wendt, K.
Excitation scheme development for resonant Laser-SNMS on strontium,
2017 Frühjahrstagung DPG Mainz
Bosco, H., Franzmann, M., Weiss, M., Wendt, K., Walther, C.
Resonant Laser Secondary Neutral Mass Spectrometry for Ultra-trace Analysis of Actinides and Their Fission Products,
2017 GDCh Wissenschaftsforum Berlin
Bosco, H., Hamann, L., Weiß, M., Franzmann, M., Kron, T., Studer, D., Wendt, K., Walther, C.
Spatially resolved ultra-trace analysis on actinides and their fission products by resonant Laser-SNMS,
Actinides 2017 Sendai
Gupta D. K., Schulz W., Steinhauser G., Walther C.
Plants and mushroom in remediation of radioactively contaminated areas,
RAD 2017, Budva, Montenegro, 12-16 June
Gupta, D.K., Walther, C.
Phytoremediation techniques for radionuclide contaminated areas,
3rd International Science-Technical Conference on Actual Problems of Radiochemistry and Radioecology, Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia, 13-17 November
König, C., Köhler, F., Walther, C.
Transfer Processes of Iodine-129 in Soil,
Final ENTRIA Conference “Research on Radioactive Waste Management, Ethics – Society – Technology”, 26. - 30. September 2017, Braunschweig,
Mühr-Ebert, E. L., Wagner, F., Walther, C.
Speciation of Uranium: Verification of a database by modelling techniques and comparative experiments,
Migration 2017, 10.09. - 15.09.2017, Barcelona
Pönitz, E., Walther, C., Hassel, T.
Calculation of Dose Rates at the Surface of Storage Containers for High-Level Radioactive Waste,
Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association, Cape Town, South Africa, 09 - 13 May 2016, Volume 5 of 5 (2017) 1932-1938
Weitere Informationen
Riebe, B., Bister, S., Walther, C.
Sensitivität von Trinkwasserreservoiren in Bezug auf den Eintrag von künstlichen Radionukliden,
Abschlussworkshop des KVSF, 04. - 05.04.2017, Lindau
Schulz, W., Gupta, D. K., Großmann, S., Kothe, E., Wollenberg, Günther, A., Raff, J., Dubchak, S., Steinhauser, G., Walther, C.
Using saprophytic fungi for the short-to-mid-term stabilization of radionuclides in soils,
Migration, 10.09. - 15.09.2017 Barcelona
Schulz, W., Riebe, B., Alemdar, H., Gupta, D. K., Steinhauser, G., Walther, C.
Kinetic sutdies on the sorption of Sr-85 by various soils,
Migration 2017, 10.09. - 15.09.2017, Barcelona
Steinhauser, G., Gupta, D.K., Schulz, W., Walther, C.
Biologische Verfahren zur Strahlenschutzvorsorge bei Radionuklidbelastungen nach Nuklearunfällen,
Wissenschaftsforum der GDCh. Berlin, Germany; 13 September 2017
Vahlbruch, J.-W., Schulz, W., Fournier, C., Hanemann, P., Büchner, S., Walther, C.
New Remote Controlled Experiments in Nuclear Chemistry,
Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association, Cape Town, South Africa, 09 - 13 May 2016, Volume 3 of 5 (2017) 1086-1093
Weitere Informationen
Walther, C.
Resonant Laser-SNMS on actinides for spatially resolved ultra-trace analysis,
Uni Wien, Wien, 02.03.2017
Walther, C.
Quasi-zerstörungsfreie Untersuchungen an einzelnen Actinid Partikeln mit “Secondary Neutral Mass Spectrometry”,
Festkolloquium für G. Geipel, Dresden, 03.11.2017
Walther, C.
Interdisciplinary Education and Training in and by ENTRIA,
ENTRIA Conference, Braunschweig, 27.09.2017
Walther, C.
Sekundärionisation radioaktiver Isotope zur ortsaufgelösten Ultraspurenanalyse,
BMBF Statusgespräch, Dresden, 28.04.2017
Walther, C.
„ENTRIA: Forschung zur Entsorgung radioaktiver Abfälle. Das Standortauswahlgesetz, die Empfehlungen der Kommission und internationaler Vergleich,
LPS Sommerschule, Berlin, 29.06.2017
Walther, C., Bosco, H., Hamann, L., Franzmann, M., Wendt, K.
Resonant Laser-SNMS on actinides for spatially resolved ultra-trace analysis,
DPG Frühjahrstagung, Mainz, 07.03.2017
Walther, C., Bosco, H., Hamann, L., Weiss, M., Franzmann, M., Tanha, M., Wendt, K.
Quasi-non-destructive Investiagtions of Actinide Particles Recent Applications of the Secondary Neutral Ionisation SIMS,
Migration, Barcelona, 13.09.2017
Walther, C., Hamann, L., Bosco, H., Franzmann, M., Weiss, M., Tanha, M., Wendt, K.
Nuclear track detection in radioecology: Investigation of hot particles in Chernobyl and Fukushima” ,
ICNTM, Strasbourg, 28.09.2017
Walther, C., Hocke, P., Roehlig, K., Smeddinck, U.
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste - The German Case,
IHLRWM (ANS), Charlotte, NC, 12.04.2017
Walther, C., Hocke, P., Röhlig, K.J., Smeddinck, U.
ENTRIA: Forschung zur Entsorgung radioaktiver Abfälle,
Strahlenschutz in Medizin, Forschung und Industrie (TÜV Süd), Marburg, 07.12.2017
Walther, C., Röhlig, K.J., Smeddinck, U., Hocke, P.
Radioecology and the Disposal of High Level Radioactive Waste – the Interdisciplinary Research Project ENTRIA - ,
ICRER, Berlin, 04.09.2017
A. Daraoui, R.Michel, M. Gorny, D. Jakob, R. Sachse, C. Walther
Iodine-129 in soils from northern Ukraine and the retrospective disimetry of the iodine-131 exposure after the Chernobyl accident,
DPG Früjahrstagung 2016, 29. 02. - 04. 03. 2016, Hannover
A. Wunnenberg, M. Steppert, A. Ngezahayo, C. Walther
γ-spectrometric and laser spectroscopic investigations on the uptake of 243Am in (plant) cells,
10th International BioMetals Symposium, Dresden, Germany, 10-15 July
C. Walther
Chemistry of long-lived radionuclides relevant for waste disposal,
ENTRIA Sommerschule, Bad Honnef
C. Walther
European Network on NRC Education and Training,
NRC, Helsinki, 01.09.2016
C. Walther
From Radioecology in Fukushima to the Disposal of High Level Waste,
Moscow State University, Moskau, 20.10.2016
C. Walther
Wie lange wird der „Atom- ausstieg“ wirklich dauern?,
Die Nacht die Wissen schafft, Hannover, 12.11.2016
C. Walther, M. Franzmann, H. Bosco, L. Hamann, M. Tanha, K. Wendt
Resonant Laser-SNMS on actinides for spatially resolved ultra-trace analysis,
NRC, Helsinki, 30.8 2016
C. Walther, M. Franzmann, H. Bosco, L. Hamann, M. Tanha1, K. Wendt
Resonant Laser-SNMS on actinides for spatially resolved ultra-trace analysis,
Pu Futures, Baden Baden, 19.09.2016
C. Walther, A. Brunnengräber, P. Hocke, K. Kalmbach, C. König, S. Kuppler, K.J. Röhlig, U. Smeddinck
Dose Limits in Radioactive Waste Management: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from the German ENTRIA Project,
IRPA, Kapstadt, 09.05.2016
C. Walther, S. Chaudry, E. Plischke, K.-J. Röhlig, P. Hocke, A. Eckhardt und K. Ott
Entsorgungsoptionen für HAW. Die Schaffung interdisziplinärer Bewertungsgrundlagen in ENTRIA,
Jahrestagung Fachverband f. Strahlenschutz, Heringsdorf Usedom, 28.09.2016
Clemens Walther
European Network on NRC Education and Training,
NRC, Helsinki, 01.09.2016
Clemens Walther, Cord Drögemüller, Claudia König, Erik Pönitz Frank Tawussi, Christian Tzschentke
Status und Gesamteinordnung der AP des IRS: 4.2 Vergleich der radiologischen Gefährdung für verschiedene Entsorgungsoptionen 4.6 Einfluss der Radionuklidspeziation auf Transferfaktoren,
ENTRIA Jahrestreffen, Berlin, 18.11.2016
Clemens Walther, Frank Tawussi, Erik Pönitz
4.2 AP Vergleich der radiologischen Gefährdung für verschiedene Entsorgungsoptionen 4.6 AP Einfluss der Radionuklidspeziation auf Transferfaktoren 2.3 AP Kritische Evaluation der AVV zu §47 StrlSchV,
ENTRIA TP 4 Treffen, Delemont, 07.04.2016
Clemens Walther, Klaus Jürgen Röhlig, Peter Hocke, Ulrich Smeddinck
Vorstellung des interdisziplinären Projekts ENTRIA & einige Kommentare zum Kommissionsbericht,
Arbeitskreis Entsorgung des FS, Lubmin, 29.09.2016
E. Pönitz, C. Walther, T. Hassel
Calculations of Dose Rates at the Surface of Storage Containers for High-Level Radioactive Waste,
14th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA), Kapstadt, Südafrika (2016)
G. Steinhauser, T. Niisoe, K.H. Harada, K. Shozugawa, S. Schneider, H.-A. Synal, C. Walther, M. Christl, K. Nanba, H. Ishikawa, A. Koizumi
Releases of radioactive particles from the Fukushima Daiichi NPP site caused by debris removal operations,
European Aerosol Conference, Tours, 05.09.2016
G. Steinhauser, T. Niisoe, K.H. Harada, K. Shozugawa, S. Schneider, H.-A. Synal, C. Walther, M. Christl, K. Nanba, H. Ishikawa, A. Koizumi
Resuspension of deposited radioactive material from the Fukushima Daiichi NPP site (Poster),
European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, 22.04.2016
Gupta D.K., Hamann L., Hölzer A., Walther C.
Oxidative stress generated by nanomolar plutonium in Solanum tuberosum L. Plants,
10th International BioMetals Symposium, Dresden, Germany, 10-15 July.
Gupta D.K., Hamann L., Hölzer A., Walther C.
Low level Pu-242 exposure to potato plants reduces NO generation but increases H2O2 production,
6th Plant Nitric Oxide International Meeting, Granada, Spain, 14-16 September.
Gupta, D.K., Hamann, L., Walther, C.
Does nanomolar plutonium concentration generate oxidative stress in Solanum tuberosum L. (Potato) plants?,
RAD 2016, Nis, Serbia, 23-27 May
H. Bosco, M. Franzmann, T. Kron, C. Walther, K. Wendt
Spectroscopy and Laser-SNMS on stable and radioactive Strontium,
Frühjahrstagung DPG Hannover
H. Bosco, M. Franzmann, T. Kron, C. Walther, K. Wendt
Spectroscopy and Laser-SNMS on stable and radioactive Strontium,
Laser 2016 Poznan
Meijie Cheng, Michael Steppert, Clemens Walther
Aqueous reprocessing of molybdenum,
ASGARD, Köln, 26.01.2016
Osman, A.A.A., Bister, S., Daraoui, A., Hölzer, A., Riebe, B., Walther, C., Vockenhuber, C., Synal, H.
Iodine-129 and stable iodine in natural waters from Fuhrberger Feld catchment near Hannover, Northern Germany,
DPG Frühjahrstagung, 29 February – 04 March 2016, Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany
Schulz, W., Hanemann, P., Fournier, C., Vahlbruch, J.-W., Walther, C.
New Remote Controlled Experiments in Nuclear Chemistry, Practising Radiation Protection: sharing the experiences - new challenges,
IRPA 14, 09. -13. Mai 2016, Kapstadt
A. Daraoui, B. Riebe, M. Gorny, C. Walther, K. Hürkamp, J. Tschiersch, C. Vockenhuber und H.-A. Synal
Vergleichbare 129I-Konzentrationen und 129I/127I-Isotopenverhältnisse in Schnee von der Zugspitze und in Nordseewasser?,
GDCh-Wissenschaftsforum Chemie 2015, 30.8. - 2.9. 2015, Dresden
C. Walther
Risk assessment of disposal options for high level radioactive waste and radioecology of long lived radionuclides at contaminated areas,
15.5. 2015 Kyoto University Dept.of Nuclear Engineering
C. Walther
Radioecology of long lived radionuclides at contaminated areas and risk assessment of disposal options for high level radioactive waste,
Cluster Research Laboratory, Toyota Technological Institute, 12.05.2015
C. Walther
Uranium contaminations along the Mulde river history and recent developments,
Research School of Radiation Sciences, München, 10.03.2015
C. Walther
MARC X, Kailua Kona, Hawaii, USA, 12.-17.04.2015
C. Walther
Concepts in radioactive waste management,
Heraeus Schule, Bad Honnef, 13.08.2015
Clemens Walther, Erik Pönitz, Horst Geckeis, Bo Pang
Vergleich der radiologischen Gefährdung für verschiedene Entsorgungssoptionen ,
Beiratsmeeting ENTRIA, Berlin, 11.03.2015
Clemens Walther, Klaus Jürgen Röhlig, Peter Hocke, Ulrich Smeddinck
Vorstellung des interdisziplinären Projekts ENTRIA - Radiologische Aspekte –,
28.5.2015 , Bonn, Strahlenschutzkommission Ausschuss Radioökologie
E. L. Ebert, G. Modolo, D. Bosbach, M. Cheng, M. Steppert, C. Walther
Dissolution studies on molybdenum-based inert matrix fuels for the transmutation of minor actinides,
First SACSESS International Workshop, Warsaw, Poland, 04/22/2015 – 04/24/2015
E. L. Ebert, M. Cheng, M. Steppert, C. Walther, A. Bukaemskiy, G. Modolo, D. Bosbach
Dis-solution Behavior of MgO- and Mo-Based Inert Matrix Fuel for the Transmutation of Plutonium and Minor Actinides,
Global 2015, Paris, France, 09/20/2015 – 09/24/2015
Gupta, D.K., Tawussi, F., Lutke, L., Hamann, L., Walther, C.
Oxidative stress generated by moderate uranium in Pisum sativum plants,
RAD 2015, Budva, Montenegro, 8-12 June
M. Cheng, M. Steppert, C. Walther
Characterization of mixed Mo-Zr solution species by nano-Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry,
DPG Frühjahrstagung 2015, 23. - 27. März 2015, Heidelberg
M. Cheng, M. Steppert, E. L. Ebert, C. Walther
How does Iron influence the dissolution behavior of Mo based generation IV reactor fuel? New insights using nano ESI-TOF-MS,
E-MRS Spring Meeting 15, 11-15 May, Lille
| Datei |
M. Cheng, M. Steppert, E. L. Ebert, C. Walther
How does Iron influence the dissolution behavior of Mo based generation IV reactor fuel? New insights using nanoESI-TOF-MS,
GDCh Wissenschaftsforum Chemie 2015, Dresden, Germany, 08/30/2015 – 09/02/2015
M. Steppert, M. Cheng, E. L. Ebert, C. Walther
Investigations on the solution behavior of new Mo fuel matrices for generation IV reactors by means of electrospray ionization mass spectrometry,
E-MRS Spring Meeting 15, 11-15 May, Lille
Osman, A.A.A., Bister, S., Daraoui, A., Hölzer, A., Riebe, B., Walther, C.
Revisiting Foundation and Exploring Frontiers.,
International Symposium on Isotope Hdydrology, 11 – 15 May 2015, Vienna International Center (VIC), Austria.
Osman, A.A.A., Bister, S., Riebe, B., Walther, C.
New Challenges with New Technologies.,
International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity (ENVIRA 2015), 21 – 25 September 2015, Thessaloniki
S.Schneider, M. Christl, G. Steinhauser, C. Walther
Determination of plutonium and uranium in environmental samples from Fukushima,
DPG Frühjahrstagung 2015, 23. - 27. März 2015, Heidelberg
S.Schneider, M. Christl, G. Steinhauser, C. Walther
Determination of plutonium and uranium in environmental samples from Fukushima,
MARC X, 12. - 17. April 2015, Kailua Kona
Schulz, W., Hanemann, P., Fournier, C., Büchner, S., Vahlbruch, J.-W., Walther, C.
Developing remote controlled experiments for the Cooperation in education and training in Nuclear Chemistry (CINCH-II),
GDCh WIssenschaftsforum, 30.08. - 02.09.2015, Dresden
Gupta, D.K., Tawussi, F., Lutke, L., Walther, C.
The impact of the U(VI) speciation on U(VI) uptake and stress response in Pisum sativum,
IGD-TP Geodisposal 2014 Conference, Manchester, U.K., 24-26 June
A. Daraoui, M. Schwinger, B. Riebe, M. Gorny
Bestimmung von Iod-129 und Iod-127 in Umweltproben -Messungen und Interpretation,
AKU-92-Sitzung. 16-17.10.2014, PTB, Braunschweig
A. Hartmann, M. Cheng, M. Steppert, C. Walther
Wie invasiv ist der Electrospray-Ionisationseffekt?,
DPG Frühjahrstagung 2014, Berlin, 17.-21. März
B. Riebe, A. Daraoui, M. Schwinger, C. Walther
Iodine isotopes (127I and 129I) in soils from Germany,
Fourth European IRPA congress, Radiation Protection Culture- A global challenge. 23-27 June 2014, Geneva, Switzerland
C. Walther
Mass Spectrometry in radioecology research – long lived man made radionuclides,
ISMAS, Parwanoo, H.P., India, 11.03.2014
C. Walther
Das Institut für Radioökologie und Strahlenschutz,
KVKT, Erlangen, 12.05.2014
C. Walther
From Fukushima to the Disposal of radioactive Waste in Germany - Radioecology at the IRS,
Kolloquium Universität Jena, Jena, 28.05.2014
C. Walther
Vergleich der radiologischen Gefährdung für verschiedene Entsorgungssoptionen,
ENTRIA Risiko Workshop, Zürich,09.07.2014
C. Walther
Immobilization of long-lived iodine into inert matrices,
Workshop "Radiation damage in structures – Relevance for nuclear waste disposal; Körber Foundation, Hamburg, 14.07.2014
C. Walther
Migration soil – water interface after liquid releases Future Exposures from Contaminated Sites,
Heraeus Schule, Bad Honnef, 16.08.2014
C. Walther
The Institut for Radioecology and Radiation Protection,
SEAPGM Kolloquium, Kiev, 17.09.2014
C. Walther
From Fukushima to the Disposal of Radioactive Waste in Germany - Radioecology at the IRS Hannover,
PSI Kolloquium, Villigen, Schweiz, 07.10.2014
C. Walther
From Fukushima to the Disposal of Radioactive Waste in Germany - Radioecology at the IRS Hannover,
Kolloquium Universität Helsinki, Helsinki, 17.10.2014
C. Walther
Produktion von Tritium aus Spontanspaltung,
AGO, Hannover, 24.10.2014
C. Walther
Entsorgung radioaktiver Abfälle - Radioökologie und Strahlenschutz am IRS,
FI Geo Kolloquium, Hannover, 10.11.2014
C. Walther
Entsorgungsoptionen für hochradioaktiven Abfall das interdisziplinäre Projekt ENTRIA,
Die Nacht die Wissen schafft, Hannover, 15.11.2014
C. Walther
Hochaufgelöste Oberflächenanalytik an plutoniumhaltigen Proben mit Sekundärionen-Massenspektrometrie (TOF-SIMS),
Aufbereitung von Wasserproben und Nachweis von Radionukliden in Wasserproben, Karlsruhe, 26.11.2014
C. Walther
Mass Spectrometry in radioecology research – ,
ISMAS, Parwanoo, H.P., India, 11.03.2014
C. Walther, K. J. Röhlig, P. Hocke, U. Smeddinck
Vorstellung des interdisziplinären Projekts ENTRIA,
EL Symposium FV Strahlenschutz, Mainz, 24.09.2014
C. Walther, K. J. Röhlig, P. Hocke, U. Smeddinck
ENTRIA: interdisciplinary views on disposal options for heat generating radioactive waste,
NUSAFE Kickoff, Jülich, 08.10.2014
E. L. Ebert, A. Bukaemskiy, F. Sadowski, F. Brandt, M. Cheng, M. Steppert, C. Walther, G. Modolo, D. Bosbach
Dissolution behavior of MgO and Mo based Inert Matrix Fuel for the transmutation of plutonium and minor actinides,
First joint workshop on f-element chemistry, University of Manchester, UK 04/28/2014 – 04/30/2014
E. L. Ebert, G. Modolo, A. Bukaemskiy, F. Brandt, D. Bosbach, M. Cheng, M. Steppert, C. Walther
Dissolution behavior of MgO and Mo based inert Matrix fuel for the Transmutation of Plutonium and minor actinides,
13th Information Exchange Meeting on Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation – IEMPT13, IEMPT13, Seoul, Korea, 09/23/2014 – 09/26/2014
E. L. Ebert, M. Cheng, M. Steppert, C. Walther, G. Modolo, D. Bosbach
Electrospray Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry: Dissolution of Mo-based CerMet fuel,
8th European Summer School on Separation Chemistry and Conditioning as well as Supramolecular, Inter-molecular, Interaggregate Interactions, Bonn, Germany, 07/07/2014 – 07/09/2014 (2014)
E. L. Ebert, M. Cheng, M. Steppert, C. Walther, G. Modolo, D. Bosbach
Dissolution of Mo-based CerMet fuel: ESI-TOF MS speciation in nitric acid medium,
17th Radiochemical Conference, Marianske Lazne, Czech Republic, 05/11/2014 – 05/16/2014
Gupta, D.K., Tawussi, F., Lutke, L., Hamann, L., Walther, C.
Uranium exposure reduce NO generation but increase H2O2 production in Pisum sativum plants,
5th Plant NO Club Meeting, Nymphenburg, Munich, Germany, 24-25 July
Gupta, D.K., Tawussi, F., Lutke, L., Walther, C.
Effect of Uranium on photosynthetic parameters in Pisum sativum in conjugation with antioxidant defense,
11th International Phytotechnologies Conference, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, Sept. 30 - Oct. 3, 2014
König, C., Walther, C., Smeddinck, U.
Critical evaluation of german regulatory specifications for calculationg radiological exposure,
DAEF conference ‛Key topics in deep geological disposal’, 24 – 26 September, Cologne, (Poster)
M. Cheng, M. Steppert, C. Walther
Investigation of new Mo fuel matrices for Generation IV Reactors by Electrospray Ionization Mass-Spectrometry,
ATAS Workshop, 3 November 2014, Dresden
M. Steppert, M. Cheng, E. L. Ebert, X. Chen, C. Walther
Ionic solution species of Molybdenum in strongly acidic media characterized by means of electrospray ionization mass spectrometry,
IRE Seminar Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, October 2, 2014
A. Daraoui, M. Raiwa, M. Schwinger, M. Gorny, B. Riebe, C. Walther, C. Vockenhuber und H-A. Synal
Iod-129 im Nordpolarmeer,
GDCh-Wissenschaftsforum Chemie 2013, 1.-4. September 2013, Darmstadt
C. Walther
Wohin mit den radioaktiven Abfällen? - ein Neustart?,
LUH Saturday Morning Lecture, Hannover, 04.05.2013
C. Walther
Concepts in radioactive waste management,
Heraeus Schule, Bad Honnef, 11.08.2013
M. Cheng, M. Steppert, C. Walther
MonOm species distributions in acidic solution measured by Electrospray Ionization Mass-Spectrometry,
DPG Frühjahrstagung 2013, Hannover, 18. - 22. März
M. Cheng, M. Steppert, C. Walther
On the dissolution behavior of new Mo fuel matrices for Generation IV reactors,
GDCh-Wissenschaftsforum Chemie 2013, Darmstadt, 1.-4. September
M. Schwinger, A. Daraoui, B. Riebe, C. Walther
129I in Niederschlagsproben aus Deutschland,
GDCh‐Wissenschaftsforum Chemie 2013, 1.-4. September 2013, Darmstadt
C. Walther
Ultra sensitive speciation of radionuclides by laser spectroscopy,
Herbsttagung der American Chemical Society in Philadelphia vom 19. bis 22. August 2012
C. Walther
Entsorgung nuklearer Reststoffe - neue Ansätze,
Die Nacht die Wissen schafft, Leibniz Universität Hannover, 10.11.2012
C. Walther
Fukushima und danach,
Die Nacht die Wissen schafft, Leibniz Universität Hannover, 10.11.2012
M. Steppert, C. Walther
Comparison of Uranium(VI) and Plutonium(VI) hydrolysis products by means of electrospray ionization mass spectrometry,
2012 GSA Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, USA, 4.-7. November
M. Steppert, C. Walther, S. Büchner, M. Fuss
Untersuchungen von Uran und Plutonium mittels nano-ESI TOF Massenspektrometrie,
DPG Frühjahrstagung 2012, Stuttgart, 12.-16. März