

  • Inouhe M, Walther C, Gupta DK (2024): Lithium and Nickel in Plants and EnvironmentWorld Scientific Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore
    ISBN: 978-981-128-311-6
  • Kumar N, Walther C, Gupta DK (2024): Chromium in Plants and EnvironmentSpringer, Germany
    ISBN: 978-3-031-44028-1
  • Gupta, D.K., Chatterjee, S., Walther, C. (2020): Lead in Plants and the EnvironmentSpringer, U.S.A.
    ISBN: 978-3-030-21638-2
  • Gupta DK, Walther C (2019): Uranium in Plants and the EnvironmentSpringer, U.S.A.
    ISBN: 978-3-030-14960-4
  • Gupta, D.K., Walther, C. (2017): Behaviour of Strontium in Plants and the EnvironmentSpringer, USA
    ISBN: 978-3-319-66573-3
  • Gupta, D. K., Walther, C. (2016): Impact of Cesium on Plants and the EnvironmentSpringer, USA
    ISBN: 978-3-319-41525-3
  • Walther, C., Gupta, D.K. (2015): Radionuclides in the Environment: Influence of Chemical Speciation and Plant Uptake on Radionuclide Migration.Springer-Verlag, Germany.
    ISBN: 978-3-319-22170-0
  • Gupta, D.K., Walther, C. (2014): Radionuclide contamination and remediation through plantsSpringer-Verlag, Germany
    ISBN: 978-3-319-07664-5
  • Clemens Walther (2011): Actinide Nanoparticle Characterization by Mass Spectrometryin Actinide Nanoparticle Research, ed. by S. Kalmykow and M.A. Denecke (Berlin Heidelberg: Springer)
  • Clemens Walther, (2010): Electrospray Ionisation Ms for Materials of Interest in Nuclear Science and Technologyin Mass Spectrometry in Nuclear Science and Technology, ed. by S. Aggarwal (München: IANCAS, 2010), pp. 101-14.


  • Inouhe M, Katsuta Y, Kato A, Kato H, Sakuma Y, Walther C, Joon V, Gupta DK (2024): Different Impacts of Ni2+ and Li+ to Plants and Mycorrhiza Systems: Roles of Bioligands Forming Various Metal-binding Complexes in Cells and Apoplast.Inouhe M, Walther C, Gupta DK (Eds.), Lithium and Nickel in Plants and Environment. World Scientific Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore pp. 139-169.
  • Tatiana Poliakova, Martin Weiss, Alexander Trigub, Vasiliy Yapaskurt, Marina Zheltonozhskaya Irina Vlasova, Clemens Walther, Stepan Kalmykov (2024): Chernobyl fuel microparticles: uranium oxidation state and isotope ratio by HERFD‑XANES and SIMSJournal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry | Datei |
  • Darcy van Eerten, Manuel Raiwa, Paul Hanemann, Laura Leifermann, Tobias Weissenborn, Wolfgang Schulz, Martin Weiß, Danielle Ziva Shulaker, Peter Boone, David Willingham, Keenan Thomas, Brian Sammis, Brett Isselhardt, Mike Savina, Clemens Walther (2023): Multi-element isotopic analysis of hot particles from Chornobyl, Journal of Hazardous MaterialsJournal of Hazardous Materials 452 (2023) 131338
  • Julia Stadler, Manja Vogel, Robin Steudtner, Björn Drobot, Anna L. Kogiomtzidis, Martin Weiss, Clemens Walter (2023): The chemical journey of Europium(III) through winter rye (Secale cereale L.) – Understanding through mass spectrometry and chemical microscopyChemosphere, Volume 313, 2023
  • Laura Leifermann, Martin Weiss, Ihor Chyzhevskyi, Sergiy Bubchak, Paul Hanemann, Manuel Raiwa, Wolfgang Schulz, Georg Steinhauser, Tobias Weissenborn, Clemens Walther (2023): Localisation, isolation and leaching of single hot particles from various environmental matrices in the vicinity of the Chernobyl nuclear power plantEnvironmental Radiochemical Analysis VII
    DOI: 10.1039/9781837670758-00001
    ISBN: 978-1-83767-063-5
  • Maksym Luchkov, Volker Dangendorf, Ulrich Giesen, Frank Langner, Claudia Olaru, Mastaneh Zadehrafi, Annika Klose, Kim Kalmankoski, Johan Sand, Sakari Ihantola, Harri Toivonen, Clemens Walther, Stefan Röttger, Mihail-Razvan Ioan, Juha Toivonen, Faton S. Krasniqi (2023): Novel optical technologies for emergency preparedness and response: mapping contaminations with alpha-emitting radionuclidesNuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 1047 (2023) 167895
  • Simon Bittner, Rainer Gellermann, Clemens Walther (2023): The radioecological footprint of electricity production by wind turbinesRadiation Protection Dosimetry, 2023, 1–12
  • Annika Klose, Maksym Luchkov, Volker Dangendorf, Faton Krasniqi, Aaron Lehnert, Clemens Walther (2022): On the way to remote sensing of alpha radiation: radioluminescence of pitchblende samplesJournal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 331:5401–5410
  • Manuel Raiwa, Sebastian Büchner, Nina Kneip, Martin Weiß, Paul Hanemann, Polina Fraatz, Maximilian Heller, Hauke Bosco, Felix Weber, Klaus Wendt, Clemens Walther (2022): Actinide imaging in environmental hot particles from Chernobyl by rapid spatially resolved resonant laser secondary neutral mass spectrometrySpectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy
  • Marcus Mandel, Linus Holtmann, Manuel Raiwa, Annika Wunnenberg-Gust, Beate Riebe, Clemens Walther (2022): Imaging of I, Re and Tc plant uptake on the single-cell scale using SIMS and rL-SNMSJournal of Hazardous Materials 423 (2022) 127143
  • Paul Hanemann, Stefan Bister, Manuel Raiwa, Sandra Reinhard, Darcy van Eerten, Clemens Walther (2022): Production and characterization of standard particles for rL-SNMSJournal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 331, pages 5039–5045
  • Seidl, R., Drögemüller, C., Krütli, P., & Walther, C. (2022): The role of trust and risk perception in current German nuclear waste managementRisk Analysis, Article risa.13889. Advance online publication
  • Bosco, H.; Hamann, L.; Kneip, N.; Raiwa, M.; Weiss, M.; Wendt, K.; Walther, C. (2021): New horizons in microparticle forensics: Actinide imaging and detection of 238Pu and 242mAm in hot particlesScience Advances 2021, 7, (44)
    DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abj1175
  • C. Drögemüller, P. Krütli, K.-J. Röhlig, W. Schulz, R. Seidl, C. Walther (2021): Wissenschaft und Zivilgesellschaft: gemeinsame Forschung zur Entsorgung hoch radioaktiver Abfälle – das Verbundvorhaben TRANSENSStrahlenschutzpraxis 03/21, S. 71-77, 27. Jahrgang
    ISSN: 0947-434X
  • Traxler, L.; Wollenberg, A.; Steinhauser, G.; Chyzhevskyi, I.; Dubchak, S.; Großmann, S.; Günther, A.; Gupta, D. K.; Iwannek, K. H.; Kirieiev, S.; Lehmann, F.; Schulz, W.; Walther, C.; Raff, J.; Kothe, E. (2021): Survival of the basidiomycete Schizophyllum commune in soil under hostile environmental conditions in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.J. Hazard. Mater. 2021, 403, 124002
  • Gupta, D.K., Vuković, A., Semenishchev, V.S., Inouhe, M., Walther, C. (2020): Uranium accumulation and its phytotoxicity symptoms in Pisum sativum L.Environmental Science and Pollution Research
    DOI: 10.1007/s11356-019-07068-9
  • Mitra, A., Chatterjee, S., Voronina, A., Walther, C., Gupta, D.K. (2020): Lead toxicity in plants: A reviewGupta, D.K., Chatterjee, S., Walther, C. (Eds.), Lead: Its Behaviour in Plants and in Environment. Springer Publication, Germany
    ISBN: 978-3-030-21638-2
  • Chatterjee S, Mitra A, Walther C, Gupta DK (2019): Plant responses under strontium and phytoremediationPathak P, Gupta DK (Eds.), Strontium Contamination in the Environment. Springer Publication, Germany pp. 85-98
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-15314-4_5
  • Gupta DK, Chatterjee S, Mitra A, Voronina A, Walther C (2019): Uranium and plants: Elemental translocation and phytoremediation approachesGupta DK, Walther C (Eds.), Uranium in Plants and the Environment Springer. Publication, Germany pp. 149-162.
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-14961-1_7
  • J.-W. Vahlbruch, C. Walther (2019): Strahlenschutzausbildung in Deutschland - heute und morgenStrahlenschutzpraxis 04/19, S. 6-10, 25. Jahrgang
    ISSN: 0947-434X
  • Köhler F, Riebe B, Scheinost AC, König C, Hölzer A, Walther C (2019): Sorption of iodine in soils: insight from selective sequential extractions and X-ray absorption spectroscopyEnvironmental Science and Pollution Research 26:23850-23860
    DOI: 10.1007/s11356-019-05623-y
  • Köhler F, Riebe B, Weller A, Walther C (2019): Determination of iodine mobility in the soil vadose zone using long-term column experimentsJournal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 322:1755-1760
    DOI: 10.1007/s10967-019-06789-y
  • Schulz W, Gupta DK, Riebe B, Steinhauser G, Walther C (2019): Sorption of radiostrontium on different soilsApplied Geochemistry 101:103-108.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2019.01.001
  • Franzmann, M., Bosco, H., Hamann, L., Walther, C., Wendt, K. (2018): Resonant laser – SNMS for spatially resolved and element selective ultra-trace analysis of radionuclidesJournal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1039/c7ja00423k
  • Gupta DK., Schulz, W., Steinhauser, G., Walther, C. (2018): Radiostrontium transport in plants and phytoremediationEnvironmental Science and Pollution Research (2018) 25:29996–30008
    DOI: 10.1007/s11356-018-3088-6
  • Gupta, D.K., Tiwari, S., Chatterjee, S., Walther, C. (2018): Potassium and its role in cesium transport in plantsBiologia (2018) 73:885–896
    DOI: 10.2478/s11756-018-0110-x
  • Lang, A., Engelberg, D., Smith, N.T., Trivedi, D., Horsfall, O., Banford, A., Martin, P. A., Coffey, P., Bower, W. R., Walther, C., Weiß, M., Bosco, H., Jenkins, A., Law, G. T. W. (2018): Analysis of contaminated nuclear plant steel by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopyJournal of Hazardous Materials 345 (2018) 114–122
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2017.10.064
  • Mühr-Ebert, E.L., Wagner, F., Walther, C. (2018): Speciation of uranium: Compilation of a thermodynamic database and its experimental evaluation using different analytical techniquesApplied Geochemistry, Volume 100, January 2019, Pages 213-222 Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.10.006
  • Tanha, M., Riebe, B., Ikeda-Ohno, A., Schulze, M., Khalid, F., Storai, A., Walther, C. (2018): Environmental radioactivity studies in Kabul and northern AfghanistanJournal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 318(3), 2425-2433 | Datei |
    DOI: 10.1007/s10967-018-6242-1
  • Chatterjee, S., Deb, U., Datta, S., Walther, C., Gupta, D.K. (2017): Common explosive (TNT, RDX, HMX) and their fate in the environment: Emphasizing bioremediationChemosphere, 184: 438-451
    DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.06.008
  • Chatterjee, S., Sarma, M.K., Deb, U., Steinhauser, G., Walther, C., Gupta, D.K. (2017): Mushrooms: from nutrition to mycoremediationEnvironmental Science and Pollution Research, 24:19480-19493
    DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-9826-3
  • Franzmann, M., Bosco, H., Walther, C., Wendt, K. (2017): A new resonant Laser-SNMS system for environmental ultra-trace analysis: Installation and optimizationInternational Journal of Mass Spectrometry, Volume 423, December 2017, Pages 27-32 Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijms.2017.10.003
  • Gupta, D.K., Deb, U., Walther, C., Chatterjee, S. (2017): Strontium in the ecosystem: Transfer in plants via root systemIn: Gupta, D.K., Walther, C. (Eds.), Behaviour of Strontium in Plants and the Environment. Springer Publication, Germany, pp 1-18.
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-66574-0_1
    ISBN: 978-3-319-66573-3
  • Gupta, D.K., Tawussi, F., Hölzer A., Hamann, L., Walther, C. (2017): Investigation of low level 242Pu contamination on nutrition disturbance and oxidative stress in Solanum tuberosum L.Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24:16050-16061
    DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-9071-9
  • Pönitz, E., Walther, C. (2017): Calculation of dose rates at the surface of storage containers for high-level radioactive wasteRadiation Protection Dosimetry (2017) pp. 1-12
    DOI: 10.1093/rpd/ncx054
  • Schneider, S., Bister, S., Christl, M., Hori, M., Shozugawa, K., Synal, H.-A., Steinhauser, G., Walther, C. (2017): Radionuclide pollution inside the Fukushima Daiichi exclusion zone, part 2: Forensic search for the “Forgotten” contaminants Uranium-236 and plutoniumApplied Geochemistry, Volume 85, Part B, October 2017, Pages 194-200
    DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2017.05.022
  • Tanha, M. R., Vahlbruch, J.-W., Riebe, B., Irlinger, J., Rühm, W., Khalid, F. R., Storai, A., Walther, C. (2017): Measurements in Afghanistan using an active Radon exposure meter and assessment of related annual effective doseRadiat Prot Dosimetry 1-9.
    DOI: 10.1093/rpd/ncx086
  • Tawussi, F., Gupta, D.K., Muhr-Ebert, E.L., Schneider, S., Bister, S., Walther, C. (2017): Uptake of Plutonium-238 into Solanum tuberosum L. (Potato plants) in presence of complexing agent EDTAJournal of Environment Radioactivity 178-179; 186-192
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2017.08.007
  • Tawussi, F., Walther, C., Gupta, D.K. (2017): Does low uranium concentration generates phytotoxic symptoms in Pisum sativum L. in nutrient medium?Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24:22741-22751
    DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-0056-5
  • Walther, C., Riemann, M. (2017): Wie viel Strahlendosis für wen? Lange Lagerung, Offenhaltung und ein langer Entsorgungsprozess bedeuten zusätzliche Dosis für BeschäftigteGAiA - Ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft 26/2 (2017) 106-109
    DOI: 10.14512/gaia.26.2.11
  • A. Daraoui, B. Riebe, C. Walther, H. Wershofen, C. Schlosser, C. Vockenhuber, H.-A. Synal (2016): Concentrations of iodine isotopes (129I and 127I) and their isotopic ratios in aerosol samples from Northern GermanyJournal of Environmental Radioactivity 154, 101 - 108
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2016.01.021
  • A. Daraoui, L. Tosch, M. Gorny, R. Michel, I. Goroncy, J. Herrmann, H. Nies, H.-A. Synal, V. Alfimov, C. Walther (2016): Iodine-129, Iodine-127 and Cesium-137 in seawater from the North Sea and the Baltic SeaJournal of Environmental Radioactivity 162-163 (2016), 289-299
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2016.06.006
  • Alfatih A.A. Osman, Stefan Bister, Beate Riebe, Abdelouahed Daraoui, Christof Vockenhuber, Lukas Wacker, Clemens Walther (2016): Radioecological investigation of 3H, 14C, and 129I in natural waters from Fuhrberger Feld catchment, Northern GermanyJournal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 165, December 2016, Pages 243–252
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2016.10.011
  • C. Walther (2016): Nuklearchemie – Aktivität ist ProgrammAngewandte Chemie, 20 June 2016 Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1002/ange.201604045
  • C. Walther, P. Brozynski, S. Dubchak (2016): Tschernobyl – 30 Jahre danachPhysik Journal 15 (2016) 31-37
  • Gupta, D.K., Chatterjee, S., Dutta, S., Voronina, A.V, Walther, C. (2016): Radionuclides: Accumulation and transport in plantsReviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 398:1-22
    DOI: 10.1007/398_2016_7
  • Gupta, D.K., Tawussi, F., Hamann, L., Walther, C. (2016): Moderate uranium disturbs the nutritional status and induces oxidative stress in Pisum sativum L.Journal of Plant Physiology and Pathology 4:1
    DOI: 10.4172/2329-955X.1000143
  • K. Shozugawa, B. Riebe, C. Walther, A. Brandl, G. Steinhauser (2016): Fukushima-derived radionuclides in sediments of the Japanese Pacific Ocean coast and various Japanese water samples (seawater, tap water, and coolant water of Fukushima Daiichi reactor unit 5)Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 307 (2016) 1787-1793 | Datei |
  • N. l. Banik, V. Vallet, F. Real, R. M. Belmecheri, B. Schimmelpfennig, J. Rothe, R. Marsac, P. Lindqvist-Reis, C. Walther, M. A. Denecke and C. M. Marquardt (2016): First structural characterization of Pa(IV) in aqueous solution and quantum chemical investigations of the tetravalent actinides up to Bk(IV): the evidence of a curium breakDalton Transactions, 2016, 45, 453-457
    DOI: 10.1039/C5DT03560K
  • N.Casacuberta, P.Masqué, G.Henderson, M.Rutgers van-der-Loeff, D.Bauch, C.Vockenhuber, A.Daraoui, C.Walther, H.-A.Synal, M.Christl (2016): First 236U data from the Arctic Ocean and use of 236U/238U and 129I/236U as a new dual tracerEarth and Planetary Science Letters 440 (2016) 127-134
    DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.02.020
  • Nidhu lal Banik, Valérie Vallet, Florent Réal, Réda Mohamed Belmecheri, Bernd Schimmelpfennig, Jörg Rothe, Rémi Marsac, Patric Lindqvist-Reis, Clemens Walther, Melissa A. Denecke and Christian M. Marquardt (2016): First structural characterization of Pa(IV) in aqueous solution and quantum chemical investigations of the tetravalent actinides up to Bk(IV): the evidence of a curium breakDalton Transactions, Volume: 45, Issue: 2, Pages: 453-457
    DOI: 10.1039/c5dt03560k
  • W. Schulz, C. Fournier, J.-W. Vahlbruch, C. Walther (2016): IonLab - a remote-controlled experiment for academic and vocational education and training on extraction chromatography and ion exchangeRadiochimica Acta, Band 104, Heft 10 (Okt 2016)
    DOI: 10.1515/ract-2016-2588
  • Walther C., Steppert M. (2016): Chemical speciation of radionuclides in solutionNuclear- and Radiochemistry Volume 2: Modern Applications (Herausgeber Frank Rösch), de Gruyter, Germany
    ISBN: 978-3-11-022185-5
  • E. De Visser-Týnová, G. Ménard, E. L. Ebert, G. Modolo, M. Cheng, C. Walther, K. V. Mareš, J. John, A. Geist (2015): Dissolution Behavior of Inert Matrix FuelsProceedings of TopFuel 2015, Zurich, Switzerland, 09/13/2015 – 09/17/2015
  • Georg Steinhauser, Tamon Niisoe, Kouji H. Harada, Katsumi Shozugawa, Stephanie Schneider, Hans-Arno Synal, Clemens Walther, Marcus Christl, Kenji Nanba, Hirohiko Ishikawa, and Akio Koizumi (2015): Post-Accident Sporadic Releases of Airborne Radionuclides from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant SiteEnviron. Sci. Technol. 2015, 49, 14028−14035
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b03155
  • Inouhe, M., Sakuma, Y., Chatterjee, S., Jagetiya, B., Voronina, A.V., Walther, C., Gupta, D.K. (2015): General roles of phytochelatins and other peptides in plant's defense mechanisms against oxidative stress/primary and secondary damages induced by heavy metals.In: Gupta, D.K., Palma, J.M., Corpas, F.J. (Eds.), Reactive oxygen species and oxidative damage in plants under stress. Springer Publication, Germany, pp. 219-245.
  • Jan Tits, Clemens Walther, Thorsten Stumpf, Nathalie Macéa, Erich Wieland (2015): A luminescence line-narrowing spectroscopic study of the uranium(VI) interaction with cementitious materials and titanium dioxideDalton Trans., 2015,44, 966-976
    DOI: 10.1039/C4DT02172J
  • Luis Iglesias, Clemens Walther, Francisco Medina, Alex Hölzer, Andreas Neumann, M. Janeth Lozano-Rodriguez, Mayra G. Álvarez, Natallia Torapava (2015): A comprehensive study on iodine uptake by selected LDH phases via coprecipitation, anionic exchange and reconstructionJ. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., received: 2 December 2014
    DOI: 10.1007/s10967-015-4285-0
  • M. Christl, N. Casacuberta, J. Lachner, S. Maxeiner, C. Vockenhuber, H.-A. Synal, I. Goroncy, J. Herrmann, A. Daraoui, C. Walther, R. Michel (2015): Status of 236U analyses at ETH Zurich and the distribution of 236U and 129I in the North Sea in 2009Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interaction with Materials and Atom
    DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2015.01.005
  • S. Bister, J. Birkhan, T. Lüllau, M. Bunka, A. Solle, C. Stieghorst, B. Riebe, R. Michel, C. Walther (2015): Impact of former uranium mining activities on the floodplains of the Mulde River, Saxony, GermanyJournal of Environmental Radioactivity 144 (2015) 21-31
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2015.02.024
  • A. Daraoui, M. Gorny, B. Riebe, C. Walther, C. Vockenhuber, H-A. Synal (2014): Atmospheric input of 129-iodine at the Zugspitze - Determination of I-129 at high altitude Alp station Zugspitze in GermanyIon Beam Physics, ETH Zurich. Annual report 2014 Weitere Informationen
  • A. Daraoui, M. Schwinger, M. Gorny, B. Riebe, C. Walther, C. Vockenhuber, H-A. Synal (2014): Iodine-129 in enviromental samples - Inventories, input and transport of iodine isotopes in GermanyIon Beam Physics, ETH Zurich. Annual report 2014 Weitere Informationen
  • C. König, C. Drögemüller, B. Riebe, C. Walther (2014): Remediation of TENORM residues: risk communication in practiceJ. Radiol. Prot. 34, 575-593
    DOI: 10.1088/0952-4746/34/3/575
  • C. Walther, H. Wershofen (2014): Radioökologische Beobachtungen bei der Spurenmessung und dosimetrische Bewertung radioaktiver Spuren in der LuftPTB-Mitteilungen 124 (2014), Heft 1
  • D.K. Gupta, S. Chatterjeeb, S. Dattab, V. Veerb, C. Walther (2014): Role of phosphate fertilizers in heavy metal uptake and detoxification of toxic metalsChemosphere, 108:134-144
    DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.01.030
  • Mitra, A., Chatterjee, S., Veer, V., Datta, S., Sharma S., Razafindrabe, B.H.M., Walther, C., Gupta, D.K. (2014): Mechanism of metal transporters in plantsIn: Gupta, D.K., Chatterjee, S. (Eds.), Heavy Metal Remediation: Transport and Accumulation in Plants. Nova Science Publishers, NY, USA
  • A. Daraoui, M. Schwinger, B. Riebe, C. Walther, C. Vockenhuber, H-A. Synal (2013): Iodine-129 in aerosols from Germany – Use of AMS for determination of monthly concentration of 129I in airIon Beam Physics, ETH Zurich. Annual report 2013 Weitere Informationen
  • C. Walther, M. A. Denecke (2013): Actinide Colloids and Particles of Environmental ConcernChemical Reviews, Article ASAP
    DOI: 10.1021/cr300343c
  • Michael Steppert, Clemens Walther (2013): Mass spectrometric characterization and quantification of Pu(VI) hydrolysis productsRadiochimica Acta, 101, 307–311
    DOI: 10.1524/ract.2013.2033
  • Moritz Schmidt, Stephanie Heck, Dirk Bosbach, Steffen Ganschow, Clemens Walther and Thorsten Stumpfa (2013): Characterization of powellite-based solid solutions by site-selective time resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopyDalton Trans., 2013,42, 8387-8393
    DOI: 10.1039/C3DT50146A
  • St. Schneider, C. Walther, St. Bister, V. Schauer, M. Christl, H.-A. Synal, K. Shozugawa, G. Steinhauser (2013): Plutonium release from Fukushima Daiichi fosters the need for more detailed investigationsScientific Reports 3, Article number: 2988
    DOI: 10.1038/srep02988
  • Clemens Walther, Jörg Rothe, Bernd Schimmelpfennig and Markus Fuss (2012): Thorium nanochemistry: the solution structure of the Th(IV)–hydroxo pentamerDalton Trans., 2012, 41, 10941-10947
    DOI: 10.1039/C2DT30243H
  • Jörg Rothe, Sergei Butorin, Kathy Dardenne, Melissa A. Denecke, Bernhard Kienzler, Matthias Löble, Volker Metz, Alice Seibert, Michael Steppert, Tonya Vitova, Clemens Walther und Horst Geckeis (2012): The INE-Beamline for actinide science at ANKAReview of Scientific Instruments, 83, 043105.
  • K. S. Holliday, C. Babelot, Clemens Walther, S. Neumeier, Dirk Bosbach, and Th. Stumpf (2012): Site-Selective Time Resolved Laser Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Eu and Cm Doped LaPO4Radiochim. Acta available online
  • Kiel Holliday, Kathy Dardenne, Clemens Walther, and Thorsten Stumpf, (2012): The Incorporation of Europium into Apatite: A New ExplanationAngewandte Chemie Int. Ed. submitted.
  • Kiel Holliday, Sarah Finkeldei, Stefan Neumeier, Clemens Walther, Dirk Bosbach, and Thorsten Stumpf, (2012): TRLFS of Eu3+ and Cm3+ Doped La2Zr2O7: A Comparison of Defect Fluorite to Pyrochlore StructuresJournal of Solid State Chemistry. submitted.
  • Kiel Holliday, Stephanie Handley-Sidhu, Kathy Dardenne, Joanna Renshaw, Lynne Macaskie, Clemens Walther, and Thorsten Stumpf, (2012): A New Incorporation Mechanism for Trivalent Actinides into Bioapatite: A TRLFS and EXAFS StudyLangmuir, 28 3845-51.
  • M. Raiwa, A. Daraoui, M. Schwinger, M. Gorny, C. Walther, M. Christ, C. Vockenhuber, H-A. Synal (2012): Anthropogenic iodine-129 in the Arctic Ocean –Distribution of 129I in the depth profiles and surface water of the ArcticyIon Beam Physics, ETH Zurich. Annual report 2012 Weitere Informationen
  • M. Schwinger, A. Daraoui, B. Riebe , C. Walther, C. Vockenhuber, H-A. Synal (2012): Iodine in German soils- Values decrease with depth and also vary with the regionsIon Beam Physics, ETH Zurich. Annual report 2012 Weitere Informationen
  • Michael Steppert, Ivana Císařová, Thomas Fanghänel, Andreas Geist, Patric Lindqvist-Reis, Petra Panak, Petr Štěpnička, Sascha Trumm, Clemens Walther, (2012): Complexation of Europium(III) by Bis(dialkyltriazinyl)bipyridines in 1-OctanolInorganic Chemistry, 51, 591-600
  • Michael Steppert, Clemens Walther, Markus Fuss, Sebastian Büchner (2012): On the Hydrolysis of Hexavalent Uranium. An Electrospray Mass-Spectrometry StudyRapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 26, 583–591
  • A. Daraoui, M. Schwinger, M. Gorny, B. Riebe, C. Walther, C. Vockenhuber, H-A. Synal (2011): 129I in Germany –Analyses of precipitation and surface waters in GermanyIon Beam Physics, ETH Zurich. Annual report 2011 Weitere Informationen
  • Peter Mandaliev, Thorsten Stumpf, Jan Tits, Rainer Dähn, Clemens Walther and Erich Wieland, (2011): Uptake of Eu(III) by 11 Å Tobermorite and Xonotlite: A TRLFS and EXAFS StudyGeochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75, 2017-2029
  • J. Lutzenkirchen, T. Kupcik, M. Fuss, C. Walther, A. Sarpola, and O. Sundman, (2010): Adsorption of Al-13-Keggin Clusters to Sapphire C-Plane Single Crystals: Kinetic Observations by Streaming Current MeasurementsApplied Surface Science, 256 5406-11.
  • M. Icker, C. Walther, V. Neck and H. Geckeis, (2010): The redox potential of Pu containing acidic solutions and the fate of Pu(IV)-colloids - direct measurement versus optical absorption spectroscopyIOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 9 1–10
  • M. Marques, T. Stumpf, B. Baeyens, C. Walther, and M.H. Bradbury, (2010): Spectroscopic Identification of Ternary Cm-Carbonate Surface ComplexesEnv. Sci. Tec., 44 921-27.
  • M. Schmidt, T. Stumpf, C. Walther, H. Geckeis and T. Fanghänel, (2010): Phase transformation in CaCO3 polymorphs: a spectro-scopic, microscopic and diffraction studyJ. Coll. Interf. Sci. 351 50–56
  • Moritz Schmidt, Thorsten Stumpf, Clemens Walther, Horst Geckeis, and Thomas Fanghänel, (2010): Phase Transformation in Caco3 Polymorphs: A Spectro-Scopic, Microscopic and Diffraction StudyJ. Coll. Interf. Sci., 351 50-56.
  • C. Walther and W. Hauser (2009): Influence of laser beam characteristics and focusing optics on optical laser-induced breakdown detection.Appl. Phys. B 97, 877–886
  • C. Walther, J. Rothe, B. Brendebach, M. Fuss, M. Altmaier, C. Marquardt, S. Büchner, H.R. Cho and J.I. Yun, (2009): New insights in the formation processes of Pu(IV) colloids.Radiochim. Acta 97, 199–207
  • C. Walther, J. Rothe, M. Fuss and S. Büchner (2009): A link between the oxidation states? Colloids and mixed-valence polymers of plutonium in aqueous solution.Actinide Research Quarterly 17, 19–22
  • C. Walther, M. Fuss, S. Büchner and H. Geckeis, (2009): Stability of Th(IV) polymers measured by electrospray mass spectrometry and laser-induced breakdown detection.J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 282 1003–1008
  • J. Rothe, C. Walther, B. Brendebach, S. Büchner, M. Fuss, M. Denecke and H. Geckeis, (2009): A combined XAFS, ESI TOF-MS and LIBD study on the formation of polynuclear Zr(IV), Th(IV) and Pu(IV) species.Journal of Physics: Conference Series 190 012188
  • M. Freyer, C. Walther, T. Stumpf, G. Buckau and T. Fanghänel, (2009): Formation of Cm Humate Complexes in aqueous solution at pHC 3 to 5.5: The role of fast interchange.Radiochim Acta 97 547–558
  • M. Schmidt, T. Stumpf, C. Walther, H. Geckeis and T. Fanghänel, (2009): Incorporation versus adsorption: Substitution of Ca2+ by Eu3+ and Cm3+ in aragonite and gypsum.Dalton. Trans. 33 6645–6650
    DOI: 10.1039/B822656C
  • M. Steppert, C. Walther, A. Geist and T. Fanghänel, (2009): Direct nano ESI time-of-flight mass spectrometric investigations on lanthanide BTP complexes in the extraction-relevant diluent 1-octanol.New J. Chem. 33 2437–2442
    DOI: 10.1039/B9NJ00371A
  • P. Lindqvist-Reis, C. Walther, R. Klenze and N.M. Edelstein, (2009): Optical Spectra and Crystal-Field Levels of [Cm(H2O)9]3+ Ions with C3h Symmetry in Isotypic Rare-Earth Triflate and Ethyl Sulfate Salts.J. Phys. Chem. C 113 449–458
  • A. Delos, C. Walther, T. Schäfer and S. Büchner (2008): Laser-induced breakdown detection for the quantification of colloid size dispersion effects and colloid mediated radionuclide migration in a synthetic porous mediaJ. Coll. Int. Sci. 324/1-2 212–215
  • C. Walther (2008): From Hydrolysis to the Formation of Colloids -Polymerization of Tetravalent Actinide Ions, HabilitationTechnical Report 7442, FZK
  • C. Walther, M. Fuss and S. Büchner (2008): Formation and hydrolysis of polynuclear Th(IV) complexes - a nano-electrospray mass-spectrometry study.Radiochim. Acta 96 411–425
  • M. Filella, E. Balnois, M. Dai, M. Hassell¨ov, F.v.d. Kammer, D. Lawler, J.L. Loizeau, D. Perret, P. Ross´e, P. Schurtenberger, J. Tobiason and C. Walther, (2008): Particle size measurement - a practical guide.Water Research submitted
  • M. Schmidt, T. Stumpf, M.M. Fernandes, C. Walther and T. Fanghänel, (2008): Charge compensation in solid solutions.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 47 5846–5850
  • M.M. Fernandes, M. Schmidt, T. Stumpf, C. Walther, D. Bosbach, R. Klenze and T. Fanghänel (2008): Site-selective time resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy of Eu3+ doped calcite.J. Coll. Interf. Sci. 321 323–331
  • N. Finck, T. Stumpf, C. Walther and D. Bosbach, (2008): TRLFS characterization of Eu(III)-doped synthetic organo-hectoriteJ. Cont. Hydr. 102 253–262
  • S. Stumpf, T. Stumpf, J. Lützenkirchen, C. Walther and T. Fanghänel, (2008): Immobilization of trivalent actinides by sorption onto quartz and incorporation into siliceous bulk: Investigations by TRLFS.J. Coll. Int. Sci. 318 5–14
  • C. Walther, H.R. Cho, C.M. Marquardt, V. Neck, A. Seibert, J.I. Yun and T. Fanghänel, (2007): Hydrolysis of plutonium(IV) in acidic solutions: No effect of hydrolysis on absorption-spectra of mononuclear hydroxide complexesRadiochim. Acta 95 7–16
  • C. Walther, J. Rothe, M. Fuss, S. Büchner, S. Koltsov and T. Bergmann, (2007): Investigation of polynuclear Zr-hydroxide complexes by nano-electrospray mass-spectrometry combined with XAFSAnal. Bioanal. Chem. 388 409–431
  • J.I. Kim and C. Walther, (2007): Laser-induced breakdown detectionin Edt.: J. Lead and K. Wilkinson, Environmental colloids and particles: Behaviour, separation and characterisation, Vol. 10 of IUPAC series on Analytical and Physical Chemistry of Environmental Systems, pages 555–612. John Wiley & Sons, West Sussex
  • J.I. Yun, H.R. Cho, V. Neck, M. Altmaier, A. Seibert, C.M. Marquardt, C. Walther and T. Fanghänel, (2007): Investigation of the hydrolysis of plutonium(IV) by a combination of spectroscopy and redox potential measurementsRadiochim. Acta 95 89–96
  • T. Stumpf, H. Curtius, C. Walther, K. Dardenne, K. Ufer and T. Fanghänel, (2007): Incorporation of Eu(III) into hydrotalcite: A TRLFS and EXAFS studyEnv. Sci. Tech. 41 3186–3191
  • C. Walther, S. Büchner, M. Filella and V. Chanudet (2006): Probing particle size distributions in natural surface waters from 15nm to 2μm by a combination of LIBD and single particle countingJ. Coll. Interf. Sci. 301 532–537
  • S. Stumpf, T. Stumpf, C. Walther, D. Bosbach and T. Fanghänel, (2006): Sorption of Cm(III) onto different feldspar surfaces: a TRLFS studyRadiochim. Acta 94 243–248
  • T. Stumpf, M.M. Fernandes, C. Walther, K. Dardenne and T. Fanghänel, (2006): Structural characterization of Am incorporated into calcite: A TRLFS and EXAFS studyJ. Coll. Interf. Sci. 302 240–245
  • C.M. Marquardt, P.J. Panak, C. Walther, R. Klenze and T. Fanghänel (2005): Fluorescence spectroscopy of protactinium(IV)in Edt.: I. May, R. Alvarez and N. Bryan, Recent Advances in Actinide Science, Vol. 305, pages 776–778, Manchester. RCS Publishing, Cambridge, UK
  • H.R. Cho, C. Walther, J. Rothe, V. Neck, M.A. Denecke, K. Dardenne and T. Fanghänel, (2005): Combined LIBD and EXAFS investigation of the formation and structure of Zr(IV) colloids.Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 383 28–40 (2005)
  • H.R. Cho, C.M. Marquardt, V. Neck, A. Seibert, C. Walther, J.I. Yun and T. Fanghänel, (2005): Redox behavior of plutonium(IV) in acidic solutions,in Edt.: I. May, R. Alvarez and N. Bryan, Recent Advances in Actinide Science, Vol. 305, pages 602–604, Manchester (2005). RCS Publishing, Cambridge, UK
  • K. Hansen, A. Herlert, L. Schweikhard, M. Vogel and C. Walther, (2005): The dissociation energy of V + 13 and the consequences for radiative coolingEurop. Phys. J. D 34 67–71
  • P. Lindqvist-Reis, C.Walther, R. Klenze, A. Eichhöfer and T. Fanghänel, (2005): Large ground-state and excited-state crystal field splitting of 8-fold-coordinate Cm3+ in [Y(H2O)8]Cl3·15-crown-5J. Chem. Phys. 110 5279–5285
  • C. Walther, H.R. Cho and T. Fanghänel, (2004): Measuring multimodal size distributions of aquatic colloids at trace concentrationsAppl. Phys. Lett. 85 6329–6331
  • C.M. Marquardt, P.J. Panak, C. Apostolidis, A. Morgenstern, C. Walther, R. Klenze and T. Fanghänel, (2004): Fluorescence spectroscopy on protactinium(IV) in aqueous solutionRadiochim. Acta 92 445–447
  • J. Rothe, C. Walther, M.A. Denecke and T. Fanghänel, (2004): XAFS and LIBD investigation of the formation and structure of colloidal Pu(IV) hydrolysis productsInorg. Chem. 43 4708–4718
  • M. Bouby, H. Geckeis, T.N. Manh, J.I. Yun, K. Dardenne, T. Schäfer, C. Walther and J.I. Kim, (2004): Laser-induced breakdown detection combined with asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation: application to iron oxy/hydroxide colloid characterizationJ. Chromat. A 1040 97–104
  • T. Stumpf, J. Tits, C. Walther and T. Fanghänel, (2004): Uptake of trivalent actinides (Cm(III)) by hardened cement paste: A time-resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy studyJ. Coll. Interf. Sci. 276 118–124
  • C. Bitea, C. Walther, J.I. Kim, H. Geckeis, T. Rabung, F.J. Scherbaum and D. Cacuci, (2003): Time resolved observation of ZrO2-colloid agglomerationColl. Surf. A 215 55–66
  • C. Bitea, R. Müller, V. Neck, C. Walther and J.I. Kim, (2003): Study of the generation and stability of thorium(IV) colloids by LIBD combined with ultrafiltrationColl. Surf. A 217 63–70
  • C. Walther, (2003): Comparision of colloid investigations by single particle analytical techniques - a case study on thorium-oxyhydroxidesColl. Surf. A, invited 217 81–92
  • C. Walther, W. Hauser, H. Geckeis and T. Fanghänel, (2003): Die Laser-Induzierte Breakdown Detektion zur Analytik von aquatischen Kolloiden im UltraspurenbereichFZK Nachrichten 35 179–184
  • C. Walther, C. Bitea, W. Hauser, J.I. Kim and F.J. Scherbaum, (2002): Laser-induced breakdown detection for the assessment of colloid mediated radionuclide migrationNucl. Instr. Meth. B 195 374–388
  • M. Vogel, K. Hansen, A. Herlert, L. Schweikhard and C. Walther, (2002): The influence of internal degrees of freedom on the unimolecular decay of the molecule-cluster compound Au8+CH3OHJ.Chem. Phys. 116 9658
  • U. Rieth, A. Herlert, J.V. Kratz, L. Schweikhard, M. Vogel and C. Walther, (2002): Ion-molecule reactions of Ru+ and Os+ with oxygen in a Penning TrapRadiochim. Acta 90 337–343
  • C. Walther, A. Herlert, J.I. Kim, F.J. Scherbaum, L. Schweikhard and M. Vogel, (2001): Absolute cross-sections for the nonresonant multi-photon ionization of toluene and xylene in the gas phaseChem. Phys. 265 243–250
  • S. Krückeberg, L. Schweikhard, J. Ziegler, G. Dietrich, K. Lützenkirchen and C. Walther, (2001): Decay pathways and dissociation energies of copper clusters Cun+ (2 - 25) Cun2+ (15 -25)J. Chem. Phys 114 2955–2962
  • A. Herlert, S. Krückeberg, L. Schweikhard, M. Vogel and C. Walther, (2000): Electron impact ionisation / dissociation of size-selected gold cluster cationsJ. El. Spectros. Relat. Phenom 106 179–186
  • C. Walther, J.V. Kratz, K. Lutzenkirchen and L. Schweikhard, (2000): Similarities and differences between nuclei and metal clustersProceedings of the 7th International Conference on Clustering Aspects of Nuclear Structure and Dynamics 402–404
  • G. Dietrich, S. Krückeberg, K. Lützenkirchen, L. Schweikhard and C. Walther, (2000): The interaction of gold clusters with methanol: Infrared photodissociation of mass-selected Aun+(CH3OH)mJ. Chem. Phys. 112 752–760
  • J. Ziegler, G. Dietrich, S. Krückeberg, K. Lützenkirchen, L. Schweikhard and C. Walther, (2000): Multicollision-induced dissociation of multiply charged gold clusters Aun2+ n = 7 - 35 and Aun3+ n = 19 - 35Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 202 47–54
  • S. Krückeberg, L. Schweikhard, G. Dietrich, K. Lützenkirchen, C. Walther and J. Ziegler, (2000): Decay pathway determination of even-size dicationic silver clusters by collision induced dissociation Ag162+ and Ag182+ revisited by pre-precursor selection and sequential decayChem. Phys. 262
  • A. Herlert, S. Krückeberg, L. Schweikhard, M. Vogel and C. Walther, (1999): First observation of doubly charged negative gold cluster ionsPhysicaScripta T 80 200–202
  • C. Walther, G. Dietrich, W. Dostal, K. Hansen, S. Krückeberg, K. Lützenkirchen and L. Schweikhard, (1999): Radiative cooling of a small metal cluster: The case of V13+Phys. Rev. Lett 83 3816–3819
  • C. Walther, G. Dietrich, W. Dostal, S. Krückeberg, K. Lützenkirchen and L. Schweikhard, (1999): The temperature dependence of photoabsorption of V13+Eur. Phys. J. D 9 455–459
  • H. Weidele, D. Kreisle, E. Recknagel, S. Becker, H.J. Kluge, M. Lindinger, L. Schweikhard and C. Walther, (1999): Thermionic electron emission of small tungsten cluster anions on the millisecond time scaleJ. Chem. Phys. 110 8754–8766
  • H. Weidele, M. Vogel, A. Herlert, S. Krückeberg, P. Lievens, R. Silverans, L. Schweikhard and C. Walther, (1999): Decay pathways of stored metal cluster anions after collisional activationEur. Phys. J. D 9 173–177
  • L. Schweikhard, A. Herlert, S. Krückeberg, M. Vogel and C. Walther, (1999): Electronic effects in the production of dianionic gold clusters by electron attachment onto stored Aun-.Phil. Mag. B 79 1343–1352
  • L. Schweikhard, S. Krückeberg, K. Lützenkirchen and C. Walther, (1999): The Mainz cluster trapEur. Phys. J. D 9 15–20
  • S. Krückeberg, G. Dietrich, K. Lützenkirchen, L. Schweikhard, C. Walther and J. Ziegler, (1999): Fission barriers of doubly charged silver clustersEur. Phys. J. D 9 145–148
  • S. Krückeberg, G. Dietrich, K. Lützenkirchen, L. Schweikhard, C. Walther and J. Ziegler, (1999): Observation of electronic and geometric shell structures of small silver clustersEur. Phys. J. D 9 169–172
  • S. Krückeberg, G. Dietrich, K. Lützenkirchen, L. Schweikhard, C. Walther and J. Ziegler, (1999): Experimental dissociation energies of metal cluster dications and their interpretation in a liquid drop model with empirical correctionsPhys. Rev. A 60 1251–1257
  • S. Krückeberg, G. Dietrich, K. Lützenkirchen, L. Schweikhard, C. Walther and J. Ziegler, (1999): Multiple-collision induced dissociation of trapped silver clusters Agn+ 2 - 25J. Chem.Phys. 110 7216–7227
  • J. Ziegler, G. Dietrich, S. Krückeberg, K. Lützenkirchen, L. Schweikhard and C. Walther, (1998): Dissociation pathways of doubly and triply charged gold clustersHyp. Int. 115 171–179
  • R. Rousseau, G. Dietrich, S. Krückeberg, K. Lützenkirchen, D. Marx, L. Schweikhard and C. Walther, (1998): Probing cluster structures with sensor molecules: methanol adsorbed onto gold clustersChem. Phys. Lett 295 41–46
  • U. Hild, G. Dietrich, S. Krückeberg, M. Lindinger, K. Lützenkirchen, L. Schweikhard, C. Walther and J. Ziegler, (1998): Time resolved photofragmentation of stored silver clusters Agn+ (n = 8 to 21)Phys. Rev. A 57 2786–2793
  • L. Schweikhard, G. Dietrich, S. Krückeberg, K. Lützenkirchen, C. Walther and J. Ziegler, (1997): Collision induced dissociation of doubly charged stored metal cluster ionsRap. Comm. Mass. Spec. 11 1592–1595
  • L. Schweikhard, G. Dietrich, U. Hild, S. Krückeberg, K. Lützenkirchen and C. Walther, (1997): Pulsed photodissociation in an ICR trap: Extending the time range for unimolecular dissociation studies of metal clustersRapid. Commun. Mass Spectrom 11 1624–1626
  • M. Lindinger, K. Dasgupta, G. Dietrich, S. Krückeberg, S. Kuznetsov, K. Lützenkirchen, L. Schweikhard, C. Walther and J. Ziegler, (1997): Time resolved photofragmentation of Aun+ and Agn+ clustersZ. Phys. D 40 347–350
  • S. Krückeberg, G. Dietrich, K. Lützenkirchen, L. Schweikhard, C. Walther and J. Ziegler, (1997): Low-energy decay pathways of doubly charged silver clusters Agn2+ 9 · n · 24Z. Phys. D 40 341–344
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  • S. Krückeberg, P. Beiersdorfer, G. Dietrich, K. Lützenkirchen, L. Schweikhard and C. Walther (1997): First observation of multiply charged vanadium clusters in a Penning trapRapid. Commun. Mass Spectrom. 11 455–458
  • C. Walther, G. Dietrich, M. Lindinger, K. Lützenkirchen, L. Schweikhard and J. Ziegler, (1996): Time resolved photofragmentation of Au15+Chem. Phys. Lett 256 77–82
  • C. Walther, G. Dietrich, M. Lindinger, K. Lützenkirchen, L. Schweikhard and J. Ziegler, (1996): Time resolved photofragmentation of Au15+ (erratum)Chem. Phys. Lett 262 668
  • C. Walther, S. Becker, G. Dietrich, H.J. Kluge, M. Lindinger, K. Lützenkirchen, L. Schweikhard and J. Ziegler, (1996): Photo fragmentation of metal clusters stored in a Penning trapZ. Phys. D 38 51–58
  • G. Dietrich, K. Dasgupta, K. Lützenkirchen, L. Schweikhard, C. Walther and J. Ziegler, (1996): Infrared photodesorption of methanol molecules adsorbed on a Au4+ clusterChem. Phys. Lett. 259 397–402
  • H. Weidele, S. Becker, H.J. Kluge, M. Lindinger, L. Schweikhard, C. Walther, J. Ziegler and D. Kreisle, (1996): Delayed electron emission of negatively charged tungsten clustersSurf. Rev. Lett. 3 541–544
  • S. Krückeberg, G. Dietrich, K. Lützenkirchen, L. Schweikhard, C. Walther and J. Ziegler, (1996): The dissociation channels of silver clusters Agn+ 3 <= n <= 20Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Processes 155 141–148
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  • Roman Seidl, Cord Drögemüller, Pius Krütli, Clemens Walther (2021): A citizens workgroup helps researchers reflect on their workSaf. Nucl. Waste Disposal, 1, 211–213, 2021
  • J. Stadler, A. Kogiomtzidis, M. Steppert, M. Schmidt, C. Walther (2020): Advanced Application of Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry (DESI MS): Radionuclide Speciation in Plant Parts53. DGMS Jahrestagung 2020 und 27. ICP-MS Anwendertreffen, Münster, Deutschland, 01.03.2020-04.03.2020
  • Gupta DK, Vukovic A, Inouhe M, Walther C (2019): Accumulation of uranium (U) and its phytotoxic symptoms in Pisum sativum L.76th Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Chugoku-Shikoku, Hiroshima University, Saijo, Japan, 11-12 May.
  • J. Stadler, A. Kogiomtzidis, M. Steppert, M. Schmidt, N. Huittinen, M. Weiss, F. Köhler, T. Stumpf, C. Walther (2019): Direct Speciation of Radionuclides in Plant Parts by TRLFS and DESI MSEnvira 2019 Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 8.-13.09.2019
  • J. Stadler, A. Kogiomtzidis, M. Steppert, M. Weiss, F. Köhler, M. Schmidt, N. Huittinen, T. Stumpf, C. Walther (2019): Direct Speciation of Radionuclide Uptake into Plant Parts by DESI MS and TRLFSJahrestagung der Fachgruppe Nuklearchemie 2019 (GDCh), Dresden, Deutschland,25.-27.09.2019
  • Stadler, J., Kogiomtzidis, A., Steppert, M., Weiss, M., Köhler, F., Schmidt, M., Huittinen, N., Stumpf, T., Walther, C. (2019): Direct Speciation of Radionuclide Uptake into Plant Parts by DESI MS and TRLFSJRNC-RANC 2019, Budapest, Hungary, 5.-10.5.2019
  • Bosco, H., Weiß, M., Raiwa, M., Wendt, K., Walther, C. (2018): Progress in spatially resolved ultra-trace analysis on plutonium containing particles by rL-SNMSFrühjahrstagung DPG Erlangen, 05.03.2018, MS: Fachverband Massenspektrometrie, MS 2: Laser Assisted Mass Spectrometry
  • Bosco, H., Weiss, M., Raiwa, M., Wendt, K., Walther, C. (2018): Analysis of Plutonium containing Particles by Resonant Laser-SNMSPlutonium Futures 2018, San Diego California, USA, 9.-14.9.2018
  • Gupta, D.K., Schulz W., Steinhauser G., Walther C. (2018): Saprophytic fungi reduces NO generation but increases H_2 O_2 production in winter rye plants7th Plant Nitric Oxide International Meeting, Nice, France, 24-26 October
  • Gupta, D.K., Schulz, W., Steinhauser, G., Walther, C. (2018): Accumulation and retention of radionuclides (Sr/Cs) by saprophytic fungi: Possible effect on uptake of these radionuclides by plantsRAD 2018, Ohrid, Macedonia, 18-22 June
  • Gust, A., Mandel, M., Pottgießer, S., Riebe, B., Walther, C. (2018): Speciation and analysis of soil-plant transfer of I-129 and Tc-99 for dose estimation in crop cultivationCores symposium on Radiation in the environment – scientific achievements and challenges for the society, 16. - 17. April 2018
  • Köhler, F., Hölzer, A., Riebe, B., König, C., Gorny, M., Scheinost, A., Rossberg, A., Walther, C. (2018): Prediction of 129I sorption and mobility in the soil vadose zone using long-term column experiments (MARC XI), Kona, HI, USA, 8.-13. April 2018
  • Mühr-Ebert, E., Schulte, V., Wagner F., Walther, C. (2018): Speciation of Uranium: Validation of a thermodynamic database by modelling techniques and comparative experimentsGoldschmidt2018 12.-17.08.2018, Boston USA
  • Mühr-Ebert, E., Schulte, V., Wagner, F., Walther C. (2018): Speciation of Uranium: Validation of a thermodynamic database by modelling techniques and comparative experiments18th Radiochemical Conferenz 13.-18.05.2018, Marienbad Tschechien
  • Raiwa, M., Bosco, H., Weiß, M., Wendt, K., Walther, C. (2018): Spatially resolved analysis of micrometer sized hot particles from the Chernobyl environment by rL-SNMSATAS 2018, Nice, France, 6.-9.11.2018
  • Raiwa, M., Weiß, M., Bosco, H., Walther, C., Wendt, K. (2018): Analysis of radionuclide containing particles from Chernobyl by resonant Laser-SNMSSIMS Europe 2018, Münster, Germany, 16.-18.9.2018
  • Stadler, J., Steppert, M., Walther, C. (2018): En route towards mass spectrometric imaging on plant parts: First DESI MS measurementCORES Symposium on Radiation in the Environment: Scientific Achievements and Challenges for the Society. Helsinki, Finland 16.-17.4.2018
  • Stadler, J., Steppert, M., Walther, C. (2018): Direct Speciation of Radionuclide Uptake into Plant Parts by Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass SpectrometryATAS 2018, Nice, France, 6.-9.11.2018
  • Walther, C. (2018): Spatially resolved ultra-trace analysis on plutonium containing particles by rL-SNMSLivermore (LLNL) 04.04.2018
  • Walther, C., Bosco, H., Hamann L., Weiss, M., Franzmann M., Wendt, K. (2018): Quasi-non-destructive Investigations of Actinide Particles Recent Applications of the Secondary Neutral Ionization SIMS(MARC XI), Kona, HI, USA, 8.-13. April 2018
  • Bister, S., Riebe, B., Daraoui, A., Gorny, M., Walther, C. (2017): Eintrag von Radionukliden in norddeutsches Grundwasser am Beispiel eines TrinkwassergewinnungsgebietesGDCh Wissenschaftsforum, 10. - 14.09.2017, Berlin
  • Bosco, H., Franzmann, M., Kron, T., Studer, D., Weiß, M., Walther, C., Wendt, K. (2017): Excitation scheme development for resonant Laser-SNMS on strontium2017 Frühjahrstagung DPG Mainz
  • Bosco, H., Franzmann, M., Weiss, M., Wendt, K., Walther, C. (2017): Resonant Laser Secondary Neutral Mass Spectrometry for Ultra-trace Analysis of Actinides and Their Fission Products2017 GDCh Wissenschaftsforum Berlin
  • Bosco, H., Hamann, L., Weiß, M., Franzmann, M., Kron, T., Studer, D., Wendt, K., Walther, C. (2017): Spatially resolved ultra-trace analysis on actinides and their fission products by resonant Laser-SNMSActinides 2017 Sendai
  • Gupta D. K., Schulz W., Steinhauser G., Walther C. (2017): Plants and mushroom in remediation of radioactively contaminated areasRAD 2017, Budva, Montenegro, 12-16 June
  • Gupta, D.K., Walther, C. (2017): Phytoremediation techniques for radionuclide contaminated areas3rd International Science-Technical Conference on Actual Problems of Radiochemistry and Radioecology, Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia, 13-17 November
  • König, C., Köhler, F., Walther, C. (2017): Transfer Processes of Iodine-129 in SoilFinal ENTRIA Conference “Research on Radioactive Waste Management, Ethics – Society – Technology”, 26. - 30. September 2017, Braunschweig,
  • Mühr-Ebert, E. L., Wagner, F., Walther, C. (2017): Speciation of Uranium: Verification of a database by modelling techniques and comparative experimentsMigration 2017, 10.09. - 15.09.2017, Barcelona
  • Pönitz, E., Walther, C., Hassel, T. (2017): Calculation of Dose Rates at the Surface of Storage Containers for High-Level Radioactive WasteProceedings of the 14th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association, Cape Town, South Africa, 09 - 13 May 2016, Volume 5 of 5 (2017) 1932-1938 Weitere Informationen
    ISBN: 978-0-9989666-5-6
  • Riebe, B., Bister, S., Walther, C. (2017): Sensitivität von Trinkwasserreservoiren in Bezug auf den Eintrag von künstlichen RadionuklidenAbschlussworkshop des KVSF, 04. - 05.04.2017, Lindau
  • Schulz, W., Gupta, D. K., Großmann, S., Kothe, E., Wollenberg, Günther, A., Raff, J., Dubchak, S., Steinhauser, G., Walther, C. (2017): Using saprophytic fungi for the short-to-mid-term stabilization of radionuclides in soilsMigration, 10.09. - 15.09.2017 Barcelona
  • Schulz, W., Riebe, B., Alemdar, H., Gupta, D. K., Steinhauser, G., Walther, C. (2017): Kinetic sutdies on the sorption of Sr-85 by various soilsMigration 2017, 10.09. - 15.09.2017, Barcelona
  • Steinhauser, G., Gupta, D.K., Schulz, W., Walther, C. (2017): Biologische Verfahren zur Strahlenschutzvorsorge bei Radionuklidbelastungen nach NuklearunfällenWissenschaftsforum der GDCh. Berlin, Germany; 13 September 2017
  • Vahlbruch, J.-W., Schulz, W., Fournier, C., Hanemann, P., Büchner, S., Walther, C. (2017): New Remote Controlled Experiments in Nuclear ChemistryProceedings of the 14th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association, Cape Town, South Africa, 09 - 13 May 2016, Volume 3 of 5 (2017) 1086-1093 Weitere Informationen
    ISBN: 978-0-9989666-3-2
  • Walther, C. (2017): Resonant Laser-SNMS on actinides for spatially resolved ultra-trace analysisUni Wien, Wien, 02.03.2017
  • Walther, C. (2017): Quasi-zerstörungsfreie Untersuchungen an einzelnen Actinid Partikeln mit “Secondary Neutral Mass Spectrometry”Festkolloquium für G. Geipel, Dresden, 03.11.2017
  • Walther, C. (2017): Interdisciplinary Education and Training in and by ENTRIAENTRIA Conference, Braunschweig, 27.09.2017
  • Walther, C. (2017): Sekundärionisation radioaktiver Isotope zur ortsaufgelösten UltraspurenanalyseBMBF Statusgespräch, Dresden, 28.04.2017
  • Walther, C. (2017): „ENTRIA: Forschung zur Entsorgung radioaktiver Abfälle. Das Standortauswahlgesetz, die Empfehlungen der Kommission und internationaler VergleichLPS Sommerschule, Berlin, 29.06.2017
  • Walther, C., Bosco, H., Hamann, L., Franzmann, M., Wendt, K. (2017): Resonant Laser-SNMS on actinides for spatially resolved ultra-trace analysisDPG Frühjahrstagung, Mainz, 07.03.2017
  • Walther, C., Bosco, H., Hamann, L., Weiss, M., Franzmann, M., Tanha, M., Wendt, K. (2017): Quasi-non-destructive Investiagtions of Actinide Particles Recent Applications of the Secondary Neutral Ionisation SIMSMigration, Barcelona, 13.09.2017
  • Walther, C., Hamann, L., Bosco, H., Franzmann, M., Weiss, M., Tanha, M., Wendt, K. (2017): Nuclear track detection in radioecology: Investigation of hot particles in Chernobyl and Fukushima” ICNTM, Strasbourg, 28.09.2017
  • Walther, C., Hocke, P., Roehlig, K., Smeddinck, U. (2017): Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste - The German CaseIHLRWM (ANS), Charlotte, NC, 12.04.2017
  • Walther, C., Hocke, P., Röhlig, K.J., Smeddinck, U. (2017): ENTRIA: Forschung zur Entsorgung radioaktiver AbfälleStrahlenschutz in Medizin, Forschung und Industrie (TÜV Süd), Marburg, 07.12.2017
  • Walther, C., Röhlig, K.J., Smeddinck, U., Hocke, P. (2017): Radioecology and the Disposal of High Level Radioactive Waste – the Interdisciplinary Research Project ENTRIA - ICRER, Berlin, 04.09.2017
  • A. Daraoui, R.Michel, M. Gorny, D. Jakob, R. Sachse, C. Walther (2016): Iodine-129 in soils from northern Ukraine and the retrospective disimetry of the iodine-131 exposure after the Chernobyl accidentDPG Früjahrstagung 2016, 29. 02. - 04. 03. 2016, Hannover
  • A. Wunnenberg, M. Steppert, A. Ngezahayo, C. Walther (2016): γ-spectrometric and laser spectroscopic investigations on the uptake of 243Am in (plant) cells10th International BioMetals Symposium, Dresden, Germany, 10-15 July
  • C. Walther (2016): Chemistry of long-lived radionuclides relevant for waste disposalENTRIA Sommerschule, Bad Honnef
  • C. Walther (2016): European Network on NRC Education and TrainingNRC, Helsinki, 01.09.2016
  • C. Walther (2016): From Radioecology in Fukushima to the Disposal of High Level WasteMoscow State University, Moskau, 20.10.2016
  • C. Walther (2016): Wie lange wird der „Atom- ausstieg“ wirklich dauern?Die Nacht die Wissen schafft, Hannover, 12.11.2016
  • C. Walther, M. Franzmann, H. Bosco, L. Hamann, M. Tanha, K. Wendt (2016): Resonant Laser-SNMS on actinides for spatially resolved ultra-trace analysisNRC, Helsinki, 30.8 2016
  • C. Walther, M. Franzmann, H. Bosco, L. Hamann, M. Tanha1, K. Wendt (2016): Resonant Laser-SNMS on actinides for spatially resolved ultra-trace analysisPu Futures, Baden Baden, 19.09.2016
  • C. Walther, A. Brunnengräber, P. Hocke, K. Kalmbach, C. König, S. Kuppler, K.J. Röhlig, U. Smeddinck (2016): Dose Limits in Radioactive Waste Management: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from the German ENTRIA ProjectIRPA, Kapstadt, 09.05.2016
  • C. Walther, S. Chaudry, E. Plischke, K.-J. Röhlig, P. Hocke, A. Eckhardt und K. Ott (2016): Entsorgungsoptionen für HAW. Die Schaffung interdisziplinärer Bewertungsgrundlagen in ENTRIAJahrestagung Fachverband f. Strahlenschutz, Heringsdorf Usedom, 28.09.2016
  • Clemens Walther (2016): European Network on NRC Education and TrainingNRC, Helsinki, 01.09.2016
  • Clemens Walther, Cord Drögemüller, Claudia König, Erik Pönitz Frank Tawussi, Christian Tzschentke (2016): Status und Gesamteinordnung der AP des IRS: 4.2 Vergleich der radiologischen Gefährdung für verschiedene Entsorgungsoptionen 4.6 Einfluss der Radionuklidspeziation auf TransferfaktorenENTRIA Jahrestreffen, Berlin, 18.11.2016
  • Clemens Walther, Frank Tawussi, Erik Pönitz (2016): 4.2 AP Vergleich der radiologischen Gefährdung für verschiedene Entsorgungsoptionen 4.6 AP Einfluss der Radionuklidspeziation auf Transferfaktoren 2.3 AP Kritische Evaluation der AVV zu §47 StrlSchVENTRIA TP 4 Treffen, Delemont, 07.04.2016
  • Clemens Walther, Klaus Jürgen Röhlig, Peter Hocke, Ulrich Smeddinck (2016): Vorstellung des interdisziplinären Projekts ENTRIA & einige Kommentare zum KommissionsberichtArbeitskreis Entsorgung des FS, Lubmin, 29.09.2016
  • E. Pönitz, C. Walther, T. Hassel (2016): Calculations of Dose Rates at the Surface of Storage Containers for High-Level Radioactive Waste14th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA), Kapstadt, Südafrika (2016)
  • G. Steinhauser, T. Niisoe, K.H. Harada, K. Shozugawa, S. Schneider, H.-A. Synal, C. Walther, M. Christl, K. Nanba, H. Ishikawa, A. Koizumi (2016): Releases of radioactive particles from the Fukushima Daiichi NPP site caused by debris removal operationsEuropean Aerosol Conference, Tours, 05.09.2016
  • G. Steinhauser, T. Niisoe, K.H. Harada, K. Shozugawa, S. Schneider, H.-A. Synal, C. Walther, M. Christl, K. Nanba, H. Ishikawa, A. Koizumi (2016): Resuspension of deposited radioactive material from the Fukushima Daiichi NPP site (Poster)European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, 22.04.2016
  • Gupta D.K., Hamann L., Hölzer A., Walther C. (2016): Oxidative stress generated by nanomolar plutonium in Solanum tuberosum L. Plants10th International BioMetals Symposium, Dresden, Germany, 10-15 July.
  • Gupta D.K., Hamann L., Hölzer A., Walther C. (2016): Low level Pu-242 exposure to potato plants reduces NO generation but increases H2O2 production6th Plant Nitric Oxide International Meeting, Granada, Spain, 14-16 September.
  • Gupta, D.K., Hamann, L., Walther, C. (2016): Does nanomolar plutonium concentration generate oxidative stress in Solanum tuberosum L. (Potato) plants? RAD 2016, Nis, Serbia, 23-27 May
  • H. Bosco, M. Franzmann, T. Kron, C. Walther, K. Wendt (2016): Spectroscopy and Laser-SNMS on stable and radioactive StrontiumFrühjahrstagung DPG Hannover
  • H. Bosco, M. Franzmann, T. Kron, C. Walther, K. Wendt (2016): Spectroscopy and Laser-SNMS on stable and radioactive StrontiumLaser 2016 Poznan
  • Meijie Cheng, Michael Steppert, Clemens Walther (2016): Aqueous reprocessing of molybdenumASGARD, Köln, 26.01.2016
  • Osman, A.A.A., Bister, S., Daraoui, A., Hölzer, A., Riebe, B., Walther, C., Vockenhuber, C., Synal, H. (2016): Iodine-129 and stable iodine in natural waters from Fuhrberger Feld catchment near Hannover, Northern GermanyDPG Frühjahrstagung, 29 February – 04 March 2016, Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany
  • Schulz, W., Hanemann, P., Fournier, C., Vahlbruch, J.-W., Walther, C. (2016): New Remote Controlled Experiments in Nuclear Chemistry, Practising Radiation Protection: sharing the experiences - new challenges IRPA 14, 09. -13. Mai 2016, Kapstadt
  • A. Daraoui, B. Riebe, M. Gorny, C. Walther, K. Hürkamp, J. Tschiersch, C. Vockenhuber und H.-A. Synal (2015): Vergleichbare 129I-Konzentrationen und 129I/127I-Isotopenverhältnisse in Schnee von der Zugspitze und in Nordseewasser?GDCh-Wissenschaftsforum Chemie 2015, 30.8. - 2.9. 2015, Dresden
  • C. Walther (2015): Risk assessment of disposal options for high level radioactive waste and radioecology of long lived radionuclides at contaminated areas15.5. 2015 Kyoto University Dept.of Nuclear Engineering
  • C. Walther (2015): Radioecology of long lived radionuclides at contaminated areas and risk assessment of disposal options for high level radioactive wasteCluster Research Laboratory, Toyota Technological Institute, 12.05.2015
  • C. Walther (2015): Uranium contaminations along the Mulde river history and recent developmentsResearch School of Radiation Sciences, München, 10.03.2015
  • C. Walther (2015): Concepts in radioactive waste managementHeraeus Schule, Bad Honnef, 13.08.2015
  • Clemens Walther, Erik Pönitz, Horst Geckeis, Bo Pang (2015): Vergleich der radiologischen Gefährdung für verschiedene Entsorgungssoptionen Beiratsmeeting ENTRIA, Berlin, 11.03.2015
  • Clemens Walther, Klaus Jürgen Röhlig, Peter Hocke, Ulrich Smeddinck (2015): Vorstellung des interdisziplinären Projekts ENTRIA - Radiologische Aspekte –28.5.2015 , Bonn, Strahlenschutzkommission Ausschuss Radioökologie
  • E. L. Ebert, G. Modolo, D. Bosbach, M. Cheng, M. Steppert, C. Walther (2015): Dissolution studies on molybdenum-based inert matrix fuels for the transmutation of minor actinidesFirst SACSESS International Workshop, Warsaw, Poland, 04/22/2015 – 04/24/2015
  • E. L. Ebert, M. Cheng, M. Steppert, C. Walther, A. Bukaemskiy, G. Modolo, D. Bosbach (2015): Dis-solution Behavior of MgO- and Mo-Based Inert Matrix Fuel for the Transmutation of Plutonium and Minor ActinidesGlobal 2015, Paris, France, 09/20/2015 – 09/24/2015
  • Gupta, D.K., Tawussi, F., Lutke, L., Hamann, L., Walther, C. (2015): Oxidative stress generated by moderate uranium in Pisum sativum plantsRAD 2015, Budva, Montenegro, 8-12 June
  • M. Cheng, M. Steppert, C. Walther (2015): Characterization of mixed Mo-Zr solution species by nano-Electrospray Ionization Mass SpectrometryDPG Frühjahrstagung 2015, 23. - 27. März 2015, Heidelberg
  • M. Cheng, M. Steppert, E. L. Ebert, C. Walther (2015): How does Iron influence the dissolution behavior of Mo based generation IV reactor fuel? New insights using nano ESI-TOF-MSE-MRS Spring Meeting 15, 11-15 May, Lille | Datei |
  • M. Cheng, M. Steppert, E. L. Ebert, C. Walther (2015): How does Iron influence the dissolution behavior of Mo based generation IV reactor fuel? New insights using nanoESI-TOF-MSGDCh Wissenschaftsforum Chemie 2015, Dresden, Germany, 08/30/2015 – 09/02/2015
  • M. Steppert, M. Cheng, E. L. Ebert, C. Walther (2015): Investigations on the solution behavior of new Mo fuel matrices for generation IV reactors by means of electrospray ionization mass spectrometryE-MRS Spring Meeting 15, 11-15 May, Lille
  • Osman, A.A.A., Bister, S., Daraoui, A., Hölzer, A., Riebe, B., Walther, C. (2015): Revisiting Foundation and Exploring Frontiers.International Symposium on Isotope Hdydrology, 11 – 15 May 2015, Vienna International Center (VIC), Austria.
  • Osman, A.A.A., Bister, S., Riebe, B., Walther, C. (2015): New Challenges with New Technologies.International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity (ENVIRA 2015), 21 – 25 September 2015, Thessaloniki
  • S.Schneider, M. Christl, G. Steinhauser, C. Walther (2015): Determination of plutonium and uranium in environmental samples from FukushimaDPG Frühjahrstagung 2015, 23. - 27. März 2015, Heidelberg
  • S.Schneider, M. Christl, G. Steinhauser, C. Walther (2015): Determination of plutonium and uranium in environmental samples from FukushimaMARC X, 12. - 17. April 2015, Kailua Kona
  • Schulz, W., Hanemann, P., Fournier, C., Büchner, S., Vahlbruch, J.-W., Walther, C. (2015): Developing remote controlled experiments for the Cooperation in education and training in Nuclear Chemistry (CINCH-II)GDCh WIssenschaftsforum, 30.08. - 02.09.2015, Dresden
  • Gupta, D.K., Tawussi, F., Lutke, L., Walther, C. (2014): The impact of the U(VI) speciation on U(VI) uptake and stress response in Pisum sativumIGD-TP Geodisposal 2014 Conference, Manchester, U.K., 24-26 June
  • A. Daraoui, M. Schwinger, B. Riebe, M. Gorny (2014): Bestimmung von Iod-129 und Iod-127 in Umweltproben -Messungen und InterpretationAKU-92-Sitzung. 16-17.10.2014, PTB, Braunschweig
  • A. Hartmann, M. Cheng, M. Steppert, C. Walther (2014): Wie invasiv ist der Electrospray-Ionisationseffekt?DPG Frühjahrstagung 2014, Berlin, 17.-21. März
  • B. Riebe, A. Daraoui, M. Schwinger, C. Walther (2014): Iodine isotopes (127I and 129I) in soils from GermanyFourth European IRPA congress, Radiation Protection Culture- A global challenge. 23-27 June 2014, Geneva, Switzerland
  • C. Walther (2014): Mass Spectrometry in radioecology research – long lived man made radionuclidesISMAS, Parwanoo, H.P., India, 11.03.2014
  • C. Walther (2014): Das Institut für Radioökologie und StrahlenschutzKVKT, Erlangen, 12.05.2014
  • C. Walther (2014): From Fukushima to the Disposal of radioactive Waste in Germany - Radioecology at the IRSKolloquium Universität Jena, Jena, 28.05.2014
  • C. Walther (2014): Vergleich der radiologischen Gefährdung für verschiedene EntsorgungssoptionenENTRIA Risiko Workshop, Zürich,09.07.2014
  • C. Walther (2014): Immobilization of long-lived iodine into inert matricesWorkshop "Radiation damage in structures – Relevance for nuclear waste disposal; Körber Foundation, Hamburg, 14.07.2014
  • C. Walther (2014): Migration soil – water interface after liquid releases Future Exposures from Contaminated SitesHeraeus Schule, Bad Honnef, 16.08.2014
  • C. Walther (2014): The Institut for Radioecology and Radiation ProtectionSEAPGM Kolloquium, Kiev, 17.09.2014
  • C. Walther (2014): From Fukushima to the Disposal of Radioactive Waste in Germany - Radioecology at the IRS HannoverPSI Kolloquium, Villigen, Schweiz, 07.10.2014
  • C. Walther (2014): From Fukushima to the Disposal of Radioactive Waste in Germany - Radioecology at the IRS HannoverKolloquium Universität Helsinki, Helsinki, 17.10.2014
  • C. Walther (2014): Produktion von Tritium aus SpontanspaltungAGO, Hannover, 24.10.2014
  • C. Walther (2014): Entsorgung radioaktiver Abfälle - Radioökologie und Strahlenschutz am IRSFI Geo Kolloquium, Hannover, 10.11.2014
  • C. Walther (2014): Entsorgungsoptionen für hochradioaktiven Abfall das interdisziplinäre Projekt ENTRIADie Nacht die Wissen schafft, Hannover, 15.11.2014
  • C. Walther (2014): Hochaufgelöste Oberflächenanalytik an plutoniumhaltigen Proben mit Sekundärionen-Massenspektrometrie (TOF-SIMS)Aufbereitung von Wasserproben und Nachweis von Radionukliden in Wasserproben, Karlsruhe, 26.11.2014
  • C. Walther (2014): Mass Spectrometry in radioecology research – ISMAS, Parwanoo, H.P., India, 11.03.2014
  • C. Walther, K. J. Röhlig, P. Hocke, U. Smeddinck (2014): Vorstellung des interdisziplinären Projekts ENTRIAEL Symposium FV Strahlenschutz, Mainz, 24.09.2014
  • C. Walther, K. J. Röhlig, P. Hocke, U. Smeddinck (2014): ENTRIA: interdisciplinary views on disposal options for heat generating radioactive wasteNUSAFE Kickoff, Jülich, 08.10.2014
  • E. L. Ebert, A. Bukaemskiy, F. Sadowski, F. Brandt, M. Cheng, M. Steppert, C. Walther, G. Modolo, D. Bosbach (2014): Dissolution behavior of MgO and Mo based Inert Matrix Fuel for the transmutation of plutonium and minor actinidesFirst joint workshop on f-element chemistry, University of Manchester, UK 04/28/2014 – 04/30/2014
  • E. L. Ebert, G. Modolo, A. Bukaemskiy, F. Brandt, D. Bosbach, M. Cheng, M. Steppert, C. Walther (2014): Dissolution behavior of MgO and Mo based inert Matrix fuel for the Transmutation of Plutonium and minor actinides13th Information Exchange Meeting on Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation – IEMPT13, IEMPT13, Seoul, Korea, 09/23/2014 – 09/26/2014
  • E. L. Ebert, M. Cheng, M. Steppert, C. Walther, G. Modolo, D. Bosbach (2014): Electrospray Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry: Dissolution of Mo-based CerMet fuel8th European Summer School on Separation Chemistry and Conditioning as well as Supramolecular, Inter-molecular, Interaggregate Interactions, Bonn, Germany, 07/07/2014 – 07/09/2014 (2014)
  • E. L. Ebert, M. Cheng, M. Steppert, C. Walther, G. Modolo, D. Bosbach (2014): Dissolution of Mo-based CerMet fuel: ESI-TOF MS speciation in nitric acid medium17th Radiochemical Conference, Marianske Lazne, Czech Republic, 05/11/2014 – 05/16/2014
  • Gupta, D.K., Tawussi, F., Lutke, L., Hamann, L., Walther, C. (2014): Uranium exposure reduce NO generation but increase H2O2 production in Pisum sativum plants5th Plant NO Club Meeting, Nymphenburg, Munich, Germany, 24-25 July
  • Gupta, D.K., Tawussi, F., Lutke, L., Walther, C. (2014): Effect of Uranium on photosynthetic parameters in Pisum sativum in conjugation with antioxidant defense11th International Phytotechnologies Conference, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, Sept. 30 - Oct. 3, 2014
  • König, C., Walther, C., Smeddinck, U. (2014): Critical evaluation of german regulatory specifications for calculationg radiological exposureDAEF conference ‛Key topics in deep geological disposal’, 24 – 26 September, Cologne, (Poster)
  • M. Cheng, M. Steppert, C. Walther (2014): Investigation of new Mo fuel matrices for Generation IV Reactors by Electrospray Ionization Mass-SpectrometryATAS Workshop, 3 November 2014, Dresden
  • M. Steppert, M. Cheng, E. L. Ebert, X. Chen, C. Walther (2014): Ionic solution species of Molybdenum in strongly acidic media characterized by means of electrospray ionization mass spectrometryIRE Seminar Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, October 2, 2014
  • A. Daraoui, M. Raiwa, M. Schwinger, M. Gorny, B. Riebe, C. Walther, C. Vockenhuber und H-A. Synal (2013): Iod-129 im NordpolarmeerGDCh-Wissenschaftsforum Chemie 2013, 1.-4. September 2013, Darmstadt
  • C. Walther (2013): Wohin mit den radioaktiven Abfällen? - ein Neustart?LUH Saturday Morning Lecture, Hannover, 04.05.2013
  • C. Walther (2013): Concepts in radioactive waste managementHeraeus Schule, Bad Honnef, 11.08.2013
  • M. Cheng, M. Steppert, C. Walther (2013): MonOm species distributions in acidic solution measured by Electrospray Ionization Mass-SpectrometryDPG Frühjahrstagung 2013, Hannover, 18. - 22. März
  • M. Cheng, M. Steppert, C. Walther (2013): On the dissolution behavior of new Mo fuel matrices for Generation IV reactorsGDCh-Wissenschaftsforum Chemie 2013, Darmstadt, 1.-4. September
  • M. Schwinger, A. Daraoui, B. Riebe, C. Walther (2013): 129I in Niederschlagsproben aus DeutschlandGDCh‐Wissenschaftsforum Chemie 2013, 1.-4. September 2013, Darmstadt
  • C. Walther (2012): Ultra sensitive speciation of radionuclides by laser spectroscopyHerbsttagung der American Chemical Society in Philadelphia vom 19. bis 22. August 2012
  • C. Walther (2012): Entsorgung nuklearer Reststoffe - neue AnsätzeDie Nacht die Wissen schafft, Leibniz Universität Hannover, 10.11.2012
  • C. Walther (2012): Fukushima und danachDie Nacht die Wissen schafft, Leibniz Universität Hannover, 10.11.2012
  • M. Steppert, C. Walther (2012): Comparison of Uranium(VI) and Plutonium(VI) hydrolysis products by means of electrospray ionization mass spectrometry2012 GSA Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, USA, 4.-7. November
  • M. Steppert, C. Walther, S. Büchner, M. Fuss (2012): Untersuchungen von Uran und Plutonium mittels nano-ESI TOF MassenspektrometrieDPG Frühjahrstagung 2012, Stuttgart, 12.-16. März