
Neuerscheinung: „Nuclear Waste" - K.-J. Röhlig

Sammelband zu naturwissenschaftlich-technischen und gesellschaftlichen Aspekten der nuklearen Entsorgung.


Nuclear waste management is an interdisciplinary issue requiring a variety of approaches and a holistic understanding of the field. In this edited volume, Klaus-Jürgen Röhlig brings together leading researchers from geoengineering, nuclear physics, materials science and the social sciences to provide an overview of the terminology and concepts required to engage in the field. It addresses measures and strategies for managing waste from technical and societal points of view, including practical, legal and ethical considerations involved in strategy choice, as well as historical and participation issues. The book is ideal for early-career professionals and students involved in the nuclear waste field, and comprises a valuable reference for more-established professionals and those working with nuclear waste organisations and authorities.

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