Content of the lecture
This lecture is about:
- The terms energies in nuclei, cross section, Schrödinger equation, Heisenberg
- Radioaktive decay, chart of nuclides, properties of nuclei, particle properties
- Strong interaction, Binding energy, droplet modell
- alpha decay including Gamov Theory
- Nuclear forces, shell modell
- Gamma decay including transitions
- Weak interaction
- Beta decay including Fermi Theory
- Neutrons, moderation, fission
- Nuclear reactions, collective excitations, Compound nucleus
- Fusion
- Hadronen, leptons, bosons
Credit points: 10 (for students of BSc Physics and FüBa only in combination with the lecture Physics IV B: Solids)
Place: 1101, room E 214, gr. Hörsaal Physik Welfenschloss
Start: Summer semester, tuesday 2:15 p.m.
Lecturer: Prof. Walther