Publications of the Institute for Radioecology and Radiation Protection

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Total number of publications found: 1120
  • N. l. Banik, V. Vallet, F. Real, R. M. Belmecheri, B. Schimmelpfennig, J. Rothe, R. Marsac, P. Lindqvist-Reis, C. Walther, M. A. Denecke and C. M. Marquardt (2016): First structural characterization of Pa(IV) in aqueous solution and quantum chemical investigations of the tetravalent actinides up to Bk(IV): the evidence of a curium breakDalton Transactions, 2016, 45, 453-457
    DOI: 10.1039/C5DT03560K
  • N.Casacuberta, P.Masqué, G.Henderson, M.Rutgers van-der-Loeff, D.Bauch, C.Vockenhuber, A.Daraoui, C.Walther, H.-A.Synal, M.Christl (2016): First 236U data from the Arctic Ocean and use of 236U/238U and 129I/236U as a new dual tracerEarth and Planetary Science Letters 440 (2016) 127-134
    DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.02.020
  • A. Daraoui, R.Michel, M. Gorny, D. Jakob, R. Sachse, C. Walther (2016): Iodine-129 in soils from northern Ukraine and the retrospective disimetry of the iodine-131 exposure after the Chernobyl accidentDPG Früjahrstagung 2016, 29. 02. - 04. 03. 2016, Hannover
    Talks/Conference contributions
  • G. Steinhauser, P.R.J. Saey (2016): Cesium-137 in the meat of wild boars: a comparison of the impacts of Chernobyl and FukushimaJournal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 307 (2016) 1801-1806 | File |
  • K. Shozugawa, B. Riebe, C. Walther, A. Brandl, G. Steinhauser (2016): Fukushima-derived radionuclides in sediments of the Japanese Pacific Ocean coast and various Japanese water samples (seawater, tap water, and coolant water of Fukushima Daiichi reactor unit 5)Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 307 (2016) 1787-1793 | File |
  • S. Merz, K. Shozugawa, G. Steinhauser (2016): Effective and ecological half-lives of 90Sr and 137Cs observed in rice and wheat in JapanJournal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 307 (2016) 1807-1810 | File |
  • R. Michel (2016): The reactor accident of Fukushima Dai-ichi and its radiological consequences for the Japanese population80th Annual Meeting of the DPG and Spring Meeting, Regensburg, 6 - 11 March 2016, H. Bruhns (Hrsg.), pp. 53 - 68 (2016)
    Talks/Conference contributions
  • Osman, A.A.A., Bister, S., Daraoui, A., Hölzer, A., Riebe, B., Walther, C., Vockenhuber, C., Synal, H. (2016): Iodine-129 and stable iodine in natural waters from Fuhrberger Feld catchment near Hannover, Northern GermanyDPG Frühjahrstagung, 29 February – 04 March 2016, Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany
    Talks/Conference contributions
  • G. Steinhauser (2016): Messung von Radionukliden – Lebensmittelsicherheit nach FukushimaAnalytica Pro (2016) 54-56
  • R. Michel (2016): Nicht-medizinische BildgebungStrahlenschutzPraxis 2016/1, pp. 5-11
  • Peter Brozynski (2016): Migration von Radionukliden in Bodenproben aus der nördlichen UkraineInstitut für Radioökologie und Strahlenschutz | File |
    Master theses
  • Gupta, D. K., Walther, C. (2016): Impact of Cesium on Plants and the EnvironmentSpringer, USA
    ISBN: 978-3-319-41525-3
  • Gupta, D.K., Tawussi, F., Hamann, L., Walther, C. (2016): Moderate uranium disturbs the nutritional status and induces oxidative stress in Pisum sativum L.Journal of Plant Physiology and Pathology 4:1
    DOI: 10.4172/2329-955X.1000143
  • B.L. Rosenberg, G. Steinhauser (2016): Preparedness for a Nuclear Accident: Removal of Radioiodine from Soil by Chemical ProcessingJournal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 307 (2016) 1765-1769
  • Rolf Michel (2016): RADIOACTIVITY MEASUREMENT STANDARDS OF THE INTERNATIONAL STANDARDIZATION ORGANIZATION DRAFTED BY TC85/SC2/WG17 AND TC147SC3IRPA14 Congress 2016 May 9th, Cape Town International Convention Centre, South Africa | File |
    Talks/Conference contributions
  • Rolf Michel (2016): Radiation exposures in the aftermath of the Chernobyl accident14th Congress of IRPA, Cape Town, South Africa, 9 – 13 May 2016
    Talks/Conference contributions
  • W. Schulz, C. Fournier, J.-W. Vahlbruch, C. Walther (2016): IonLab - a remote-controlled experiment for academic and vocational education and training on extraction chromatography and ion exchangeRadiochimica Acta, Band 104, Heft 10 (Okt 2016)
    DOI: 10.1515/ract-2016-2588
  • Gupta, D.K., Chatterjee, S., Dutta, S., Voronina, A.V, Walther, C. (2016): Radionuclides: Accumulation and transport in plantsReviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 398:1-22
    DOI: 10.1007/398_2016_7
  • Gupta, D.K., Hamann, L., Walther, C. (2016): Does nanomolar plutonium concentration generate oxidative stress in Solanum tuberosum L. (Potato) plants? RAD 2016, Nis, Serbia, 23-27 May
    Talks/Conference contributions
  • Vahlbruch, J.-W. (2016): Strahlenschutz beim ZollStrahlenschutzpraxis 01/16, S. 17 - 18, 22. Jahrgang 2016, ISSN 0947-434