Strahlenschutz in der Raumfahrt,
4. Expertentreffen Strahlenschutz, 23./26. März 2004, Bad Kohlgrub, TUEV Akademie GmbH, München
Talks/Conference contributions
Uncertainties in Measurements and Characteristic Limits According to DIN & ISO Standards,
In: Quality Management in Nuclear Analytical Techniques, FTU Fortbildungszentrum für Technik und Umwelt, Karlsruhe, 21.06. - 23.06.2004
Talks/Conference contributions
Production of Residual Nuclides at Medium-Energies - Finalizing the HINDAS Project,
in: S.M. Qaim (ed.) Progress Report on Nuclear Data Research in the Federal Republic of Germany for the Period April 1, 2003 to March 31, 2004, NEA/NSC/DOC(2004) 14, INDC(Ger)-050, Jül-4151, 28-36, November 2004
Long-Lived Radionuclides in the Environment: On the Radioecology of Iodine-129,
In: S.M. Qaim, H.H. Coenen (eds.) Advances in Nuclear and Radiochemistry, Extended abstarcts of the 6th Int. Conf. on Nuclear and Radiochemistry (NRC-6), 29.08.- 03.09.2004, Aachen, Schriften de Forschungszentrums Jülich, Reihe Allgemeines und Interdisziplinäres, Vol. 3, ISSN 1433-5565, pp. 666 - 668 (2004)
ISBN: 3-89336-362-9
ISBN: 3-89336-362-9
Ableitung von radioökologischen Parametern aus dem langfristigen Eintrag von Iod-129,
Abschlussbericht Vorhaben StSch 4285, August 2004, in: Schriftenreihe Reaktorsicherheit und Strahlenschutz, BMU - 2004 - 650, ISSN 1612-6386
Proton - induced production cross sections and production rates of 41Ca from Ni,
AMS Conference 2002, Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B223-224 (2004) 812-816
roduction rates and proton-induced production cross sections of 129I from Te and Ba: An attempt to model the 129I in stony meteoroids and in a Knyahinya sample,
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 39 No. 3 (2004) 453 - 466
Strahlenexposition durch Ablagerung von Rückständen aus Arbeiten auf Bergehalden
Diploma theses
Excitation Functions for the Production of 129I and 36Cl in the Reaction natPb(p,xn/yp)AZ,
Report 2003, PSI, January 2004, p. 37
Excitation Functions for the Production of 10Be, 26Al, 129I and 36Cl in the Reaction natPb(p,xnyp)AZ with proton energies up to 2.6 GeV,
Int. Conf. Nucl. Data for Science and Technology, Santa Fee (2004) AIP Conf. Proc. 769, pp. 1517 - 1520
DOI: 10.1063/1.1945293
DOI: 10.1063/1.1945293
Excitation Functions for the Production of 10Be and 26Al in the Reaction natPb(p,xn/yp)AZ,
PSI Annual Report 2003, PSI, January 2004, p. 38
Investigation of Long-lived -emitters in proton irradiated lead targets,
PSI Annual Report 2003, PSI, January 2004, p. 39
Residual Nuclide Production by Proton-Induced Reactions on Uranium for Energies between 20 and 70 MeV,
Int. Conf. Nucl. Data for Science and Technology, Santa Fee (2004) AIP Conf. Proc. 769, pp. 1547 - 1550
DOI: 10.1063/1.1945300
DOI: 10.1063/1.1945300
Nachweisgrenzen und Erkennungsgrenzen bei Kernstrahlungsmessungen: Spezielle Anwendungen,
ISSN 1013-4506, FS-04-127-AKSIGMA, TÜV Verlag Rheinland (2004)
ISBN: 3-8249-0904-9
ISBN: 3-8249-0904-9