Pb-210 measurements in environmental samples,
in Strand, P., Brown, J., Jaalle, T. (Eds.), Proc. International Conference on Radioecology & Environmental Radioactivity, Bergen, Norway, 15-20 June 2008, part 1 (ISBN ) p. 108
ISBN: 978-82-90362-25-1
ISBN: 978-82-90362-25-1
Measurements of natural radionuclides in soil samples from Upper Egypt,
Nuclear Science and Techniques 19 (2008) 302 - 307.
Natürliche Radionuklide in der Umwelt - Vorkommen, anthropogene Einflüsse und radiologische Relevanz in ausgewählten Bergbaugebieten Deutschlands
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Doctoral theses
Determination of Plutonium in Environmental Samples Using AMS,
7th Int. Conf. Nuclear Radiochemistry NRC 7, 24.-29.8.2008, Budapest, Conference CD, Book of extended Abstracts, p. 94
Effect of montmorillonite dissolution on U(VI) sorption in bentonite,
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 71 (15), Supplement, A651
Influence of temperature pre-treatment and high-molar saline solutions on the adsorption capacity of organo-clay minerals,
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 32, 581-587
DOI: 10.1016/j.pce.2006.02.060
DOI: 10.1016/j.pce.2006.02.060
Hydrolysis of plutonium(IV) in acidic solutions: No effect of hydrolysis on absorption-spectra of mononuclear hydroxide complexes,
Radiochim. Acta 95 7–16
Investigation of polynuclear Zr-hydroxide complexes by nano-electrospray mass-spectrometry combined with XAFS,
Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 388 409–431
The Excitation function for the production of 108mAg via the reaction 209Bi(p,xpyn)AZ,
PSI Annual Report p 37
Excitation Functions for the Production of 129I and 36Cl in the Reaction 209Bi(p,xn/yp)Z,,
PSI Annual Report p. 43
Impact of U-mining tailings on water resources in Mailu-Suu (Kyrg),
Geochim. Cosmochim Acta 71 (2007) A1078
Einfluss von Gamma-Strahlung auf die Sorptionsfähigkeit von Organotonen für Iod
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Diploma theses
Production of noble gas isotopes by proton-induced reactions on Mg, Al, Si, Fe, Ni, Pb, and Bi,
Proc. Int. Conf. Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Nizza 2007
DOI: 10.1051Indata:07327
DOI: 10.1051Indata:07327
Talks/Conference contributions
Accumulation of 137Cs in Brazilian soils and its transfer to plants under different climatic conditions,
JER, Vol 99, Iss 2, p 271-287
Erfahrungen mit den „Fachkunde-Richtlinien Technik“ II - Röntgenverordnung,
Strahlenschutzpraxis 01/07, S. 29 – 30, 13. Jahrgang 2007
Didaktische und methodische Überlegungen zur pädagogischen Qualität in Strahlenschutzkursen,
Strahlenschutzpraxis 01/07, S. 19 – 22, 13. Jahrgang 2007
Laser-induced breakdown detection,
in Edt.: J. Lead and K. Wilkinson, Environmental colloids and particles: Behaviour, separation and characterisation, Vol. 10 of IUPAC series on Analytical and Physical Chemistry of Environmental Systems, pages 555–612. John Wiley & Sons, West Sussex
Investigation of the hydrolysis of plutonium(IV) by a combination of spectroscopy and redox potential measurements,
Radiochim. Acta 95 89–96
Anionenkonkurrenz und Anionenselektivität bei der Sorption von Radionukliden durch Organotone
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Doctoral theses
Cross sections for the production of He, Ne, and Ar isotopes by proton-induced reactions on iron and nickel,
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 42 (2007) A13