Untersuchung der Struktur von Molybdän-Lösungsspezies mit modernsten massenspektrometrischen Methoden,
Institut für Radioökologie und Strahlenschutz
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Master theses
Using saprophytic fungi for the short-to-mid-term stabilization of radionuclides in soils,
Migration, 10.09. - 15.09.2017 Barcelona
Talks/Conference contributions
Kinetic sutdies on the sorption of Sr-85 by various soils,
Migration 2017, 10.09. - 15.09.2017, Barcelona
Talks/Conference contributions
Auf dem Weg zur massenspektrometrischen Bildgebung von Pflanzenteilen: Erste Messungen mit einer Desorptions Elektrospray Ionisationsquelle (DESI) an einem Orbitrap-Massenspektrometer,
Institut für Radioökologie und Strahlenschutz
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Master theses
Food safety after Fukushima (plenary lecture),
International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity (ENVIRA), Vilnius, Lithuania; 30 May 2017
Talks/Conference contributions
Fukushima und die Strahlenangst: Radioaktivität in Österreich und in der Umwelt,
Rotary Club Hainburg, Austria; 6 September 2017
Talks/Conference contributions
A comparison of the nuclear accidents at Chernobyl and Fukushima,
Nuclear Emergency Expert Meeting (NEXT). Schloss Herrenhausen, Hannover, Germany; 30 August 2017
Talks/Conference contributions
Lessons learned from the post-Fukushima food monitoring program,
International Conference on Food Safety and Health Risk on Human Populations Post Nuclear Accident. Taiwan, 16 December 2017
Talks/Conference contributions
Fukushima’s (radio)chemical challenges,
International Conference on Chemistry of the Environment (ICCE). Oslo, Norway; 20 June 2017
Talks/Conference contributions
Using animal thyroids as ultra-sensitive biomonitors for environmental iodine-131,
ICRP/ERPW 2017, Paris, France; 11 October 2017
Talks/Conference contributions
A peculiar case of an actinide-induced shift of the ‘gadolinium break’,
ANS Winter Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA; 30 October 2017
Talks/Conference contributions
Japanese Food Data Challenge the Claimed Link between Fukushima’s Releases and Recently Observed Thyroid Cancer Increase in Japan,
Scientific Reports 7 (2017) 10722
More info
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-10584-8
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-10584-8
Biologische Verfahren zur Strahlenschutzvorsorge bei Radionuklidbelastungen nach Nuklearunfällen,
Wissenschaftsforum der GDCh. Berlin, Germany; 13 September 2017
Talks/Conference contributions
Fat tissue is not a reservoir for radiocesium in wild boars,
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 312(3), 705-709
DOI: 10.1007/s10967-017-5257-3
DOI: 10.1007/s10967-017-5257-3
A peculiar case of an actinide-induced shift of the ‘gadolinium break’ ,
GDCh Wissenschaftsforum, Berlin, Germany; 14 September 2017
Talks/Conference contributions
Update on the ESI-Orbitrap mass spectrometer: redesign of the ion source region and its implications for measurements in aquatic systems and first MS/MS-data on molybdenum species in strongly acidic media,
IRE Institutskolloquium, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf, 27. September 2017
Talks/Conference contributions
Analysis of the 148Gd and 154Dy content in Proton-Irradiated Lead Targets,
Anal. Chem., 2017, 89 (12), pp 6861–6869
DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.7b01353
DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.7b01353
Measurements in Afghanistan using an active Radon exposure meter and assessment of related annual effective dose,
Radiat Prot Dosimetry 1-9.
DOI: 10.1093/rpd/ncx086
DOI: 10.1093/rpd/ncx086
Environmental radioactivity studies in Kabul and northern Afghanistan,
Institut für Radioökologie und Strahlenschutz
Doctoral theses